Rifleman's Roost Open 24/7: Perpetually Perplexed

Nice looking ladies. I started the Tiresias spray on some of my Kush Fromage buds for the last 10 days. They are starting to look a little frazzled and something is definitely going on. Of course with every thing that has gone wrong with this grow I'm surprised the whole plant doesn't hermie.
hey guys I have a noon question. so I am in day 9 of 12/12 I do not see any female preflowers yet. my one taller lanky plant has this on it is that a boy?
hey guys I have a noon question. so I am in day 9 of 12/12 I do not see any female preflowers yet. my one taller lanky plant has this on it is that a boy?

not sure, give it a few days...

Like veinz said, wait a few more days. You're in no danger of pollination right now. I'll leave you a good photo of a male below. I hope you don't end up with one. :)

Well I'm caught up and ready with my bowl loaded 14 pages in the last hour or so this is a great journal and I also read your other 2 for the most part I'm currently working on my first grow it's in soil but not just any soil it's in MG lol oops but seems to be doing good but I already have huge plans for the next grow I'm planning on getting a 5 gallon dwc going just like yours hopefully I'm thinking of going with the 3 stage perfect pH mgb also so I am learning a lot of good information through your grow ....

Well I'll be just sitting here learning and watching

Truckinweb's First Ever Grow - Flo OG - CFL - Miracle Grow
It's been a couple of fairly nice days lately and I've been trying to organize a fried chicken feast but the cat warned the poultry and they've run off. Seems like a good time to get a pet fox and keep it in the coup. That'll teach those old hens to give me the middle feather. :rofl: Enjoy the photos, and as always comments, criticisms, and down right making fun are all welcome.

Somewhere... in some sort of encyclopedia or dictionary, there's an entry for "When to know when you're hittin the bowl too much"... your words just might be there.
First up in the photos is SDD. 30 days old today and she was Reverse-Jennered, got her first shot of Tiresias Spray to grow balls.:thedoubletake: With only three seeds in my order pollen production might as well start with the first one.

"reverse-jennered" :rofl: Love it lmao
Good luck with the pollen production mate, seeing good results here so far for a first timer :)

I finally started with the CS treatments on one of my girls, decided to break it off into another journal, can find new link in my sig ;)
Well I'm caught up and ready with my bowl loaded 14 pages in the last hour or so this is a great journal and I also read your other 2 for the most part I'm currently working on my first grow it's in soil but not just any soil it's in MG lol oops but seems to be doing good but I already have huge plans for the next grow I'm planning on getting a 5 gallon dwc going just like yours hopefully I'm thinking of going with the 3 stage perfect pH mgb also so I am learning a lot of good information through your grow ....
Well I'll be just sitting here learning and watching
Truckinweb's First Ever Grow - Flo OG - CFL - Miracle Grow

Welcome Truckin. Pull up a chair over by Roscoe he's been feeling lonely since I've been so busy getting ready for the snow. :biglaugh:

Somewhere... in some sort of encyclopedia or dictionary, there's an entry for "When to know when you're hittin the bowl too much"... your words just might be there.

There is no such thing as too much. Especially when one no longer imbibes, and the chickens may or may not have the combination to the gun safe.

Looks good again rifleman i will be watching this also thanks for all the good info

Sex change operations, I have to go check this out.

Thanks Wheeler.

Hey Hemi there are several of us attempting this. Being a cheap bastage I'm just trying to produce enough that I never have to buy seeds again. :)
Happy Sunday evening everyone. Today was a water change day and what a CF it turned out to be. What was supposed to be a 15 minute drink for AL turned into a five hour drink. It's hell when you forget to unplug the pump. Stupid stoner tricks folks. There is good news though. SDD is 8" at 34 days and MSC is 9.75" at 29 days. Surprisingly they both drank more than a gallon this week. I also put the rest of my last auto grow into cure storage today. Totals for the grow were 34.1 ounces in 123 days. :) Snow is headed my way so if you don't hear from me for a day or two it's because the animals are hogging the bandwidth and I'm napping near the stove. Peace and good night.



Total left from the multi strain auto journal in 4 and 8 Liter cVaults.

Hey Hemi there are several of us attempting this. Being a cheap bastage I'm just trying to produce enough that I never have to buy seeds again. :)

Totally. Auto seeds are so expensive and we can't clone. So seed production it is!

Thats it mate ;) also for me where i live its a risk every time i order seeds, just need to make them for myself hehe. with all the strains i have should be able to find a good cross somewhere i will be happy with :) oh and friends dont say no to free seeds :rofl:
I understand what a pain it can be to get good seed stock and I am trying to do the same here. Plus I eventually want to have enough pollen leftover to start some crosses of my own. I have a Medicann Kush Fromage auto that I'm trying to get pollen from now using Tiresias Mist. When I run out of that I want to make my own silver thiosulfate solution with silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate.
Today was a water change day and what a CF it turned out to be

This is one of the reasons I keep my garden the barest of simple... and I still F that up on occasion. I know such things can be and are quite handy... but I'm just the smallest of gardens really so I can easily manage things without tubes and pumps. Fun to sit on the sidelines watching other go at it.... thanks!
I think I'll highlight my photo plant tonight, a Barney's Farm Amnesia Lemon. She is on day 76 veg. She started life under 1K HPS and swapped to the Mars 1200 on day 48. She is sitting in a seven gallon airpot with a ten inch net pot used as the bottom. The media is rockwool croutons. I've just started cleaning out the lower parts where the jug of nutes sat on her in a lazy growers LST. If you look closely at the bottom photo you'll see she's slightly root bound. :) If I didn't have the two autos going I would flip the lights now. I've already cut the screen down to half it's original size to accommodate the autos and have AL in a holding pattern. Depending on the stretch from the other two they all three might share a larger screen before long. It's their game and I don't have a say in it until right before it happens, but I'm surely anxious to start seeing some buds. :)

The roots seem odd. I'd imagine that with a plant of that size, we'd see more roots... plus, apparently all the roots are the same length.
Seem odd. Something been eating at them or something?

They are just starting to poke through. I am not running this as a dwc yet, she just gets watered when it looks like she needs it. When I put her on the timer for watering I expect her roots to drop into the reservoir.
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