Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

A tiny little nugglet from way under the canopy.
Could someone be kind and give me some advice on my grow please please please :circle-of-love: ?
Another classic Rider narration and sound mix.
I should start writing my Academy Awards speeches, right? I'll probably sweep the Oscars with my stunning cinematic vision and soundtracks. :)
I'm starting to think that I may yield a *tiny* bit more than I'd hoped for. The pH is stable, the plants are drinking like crazy, but the nute concentration has been slowly creeping up so I reduced to 1400ppm (1100ppm actual) as the plants are also showing signs of cannabalizing themselves. Plan to split harvest this weekend.

Also, a DOH! moment. Half of the MTTS is lagging behind. I took PAR readings and found that the slow side was only seeing 550/600ppfd. The settings drifted on that driver or I got careless. I bumped it back up to 900/1000ppfd and hope it catches up in the next 50 odd days.

It's still hard to believe that is a picture of three plants not grown outside by Sphnx.
That's got to be the result of so much light. Light is the energy that powers the whole process.

My guess is just over 5 pounds dry with all three plants.
I would have said no way just a month ago, but the way the flowers are bulking so densely I'm right there with you. It's crazy! That'd be about 1.4gm/W at the wall, so well within the realm of reality.
That's got to be the result of so much light. Light is the energy that powers the whole process.

I would have said no way just a month ago, but the way the flowers are bulking so densely I'm right there with you. It's crazy! That'd be about 1.4gm/W at the wall, so well within the realm of reality.
I hate to do this to you... I'm sure you've gone over this, but here goes. What are your lights? Did you build them? Would you buy/build anything different? I may sell a Black Dog and build a cob rig. I'm just fact finding now.
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