I just love all these kids who tell me, a person who was actually there, that the bud today is way, way more potent than in the “old days”. I must agree to disagree, after all, I was there, they wasn’t. I’ve bought all the so called Skunk seeds around, first of all, I’ve nver seen such pussy fart seeds, you’re lucky if half the seeds even pop, and if they do, damping off is prevalent with today’s marijuana seeds. Remember when we’d buy an ounce of Gold Columbian for $60, there’d be 14 grams of seeds in 28 grams of buds, and if you threw the 200 seeds in the ground, 198 would germinate. Ain’t like that now, it’s the names, the ten billion names they have, ridiculous, and the dope is awesome looking, smells amazing, but chrome never got me home. When have you lately smoked any bud, where’d you say, “Wowy, now that is good pot.”? I’d have to say, mid 1990’s when Skunk bud would smell like dead skunk arseholes. Just sayin’…