Renegade's Hydro Flux - Featuring TwiLight Group's 432 Watt Spider COB LED

3 day swing....




Healthy run... I try and run a couple miles a few times a week and on the weekend I do 3-5 with Sunday being my longest.

Hey Renegade, I guess nobody read when you wrote 1800 for the 6pm time zone. lol. Looking great.
No they are use to it that's all...LOL.

I got it early on when I joined.

Me too, everything I have reads 2400 time. Your flux is looking great.
GF and Skunny, going with what you said not to do...LOL.

So just before lights out I kept the intake fans on and turned the mister on low this time. The circulating fan is now plug into the timer with LED and exhaust which means it goes out when they do. The intake fans gave me the circulation you suggested I needed.

It worked like a charm and RM was at 55. No condensation at all in the cabinet and no mist on the plant itself.

Once the lights, exhaust and circulating fan came on at 1800 the RM dropped back down to 48.

Still a success in my book.

Taking it a step further I put the wet hand towel on the left side of cabinet (same side as the intake fans and mister) to see what the readings show during the night.

All in all yours and Skunny's suggestions and comments are working.

Thanks again....

I could show you guys pics of my gurl but at this point it would just be showing off.

I'll save that for tomorrow night when I trim and train...LOL.

Everyone have a peaceful rest of the evening...time to ramp up for the work week.
What's crackin....LOL.

Ok, so we've done a bit of trimming and training. Took longer than usual and when you see the pics you'll know why.

The growth is explosive right now and I curse all of you and hope you have the same problem I'm having....LOL.

Hard to control the growth and being a small stature plant it's becoming very difficult to get in there and trim.

So here are the numbers...


Mister combined with the wet towel seems to be doing the trick. It's at least keeping the RM above 50. Still not as high as we would like but at the moment it's the best we can do. Maybe next weekend we'll go with 2 towels in the cabinet.

As far as growth....

Before the hair cut....




This is an up skirt shot showing the growth in the tips. Yep that's shoots 11 & 12 showing their stripes...




And finally the after....




I went a little more heavy with the defol because of her growth potential. I'm sure she will bounce back....

And now a head count....


My last two lights didn't give me this growth speed....and yes the word of the day is "Growth"...LOL.

Not the last time I will say's the light.
your grow is really quicker than i had. i really realize how i've slowed the lady.

24 potential heads + R right and left :ganjamon: work is just starting my friend !!!

Very good job professor
Thank you kindly both of you.

There is only one Professor....if you like since you and someone else called me the Dr...LOL.

And funny as it may seem I actually wear hospital scrubs when I play in my garden. I wear them as house clothes because they are thin and very cool and comfortable during the summer.

All I need now is a mask over my face and I'll get a picture.

Funny as hell when you guys started calling me that and it didn't register till the other day.

So Professor LA for sure and Dr Whatever for me...LOL. Or you can just call me Johnson....LOL.

Anyone, anyone...."but you doesn't have to call me Johnson"....LOL.
Can't rave enough about the Spider COB....

I'm not new to growing but this is just stupid...LOL.

The plant refuses to stay down and in just one night all heads are turned back up reaching for the light.

If your following and your not convinced about the potential of this light then your just stuck in denial...or "nile"...LOL. You get my point.

Last night...


And this morning...


Really folks if you have a few dollars....$296 which includes shipping... Go out and get you one and see for yourself.

CO likes it and I'm sure even Mr. King himself will be impressed.

I have plans to build a 4' X 4' for the BID grow in January. Hopefully I will have a better light to try out then but if not....I still have my "Spider".
The Spider is great value & your flux does love the purple glow. :)
How many arms are you aiming for on her?

What's up Skunny....

Yes the plant is thriving under the light.

As far as arms....I hasn't even given it a thought. 2 months of veg is the time line though. At this rate I'll have over 30 at least.

Seems a bit much for a little plant... It's gonna get crowded in there for sure. I was originally going to veg her till she reached the rim but that's out now.

I could cut out a week and still have at least 26.
LA will tell you there's no such thing as too many arms buy he's a pro :) My advice would be to keep the numbers low on your 1st flux as it's a lot of work to try & keep everything under control with lots of arms. I think 26-28 is plenty for your 1st time :)
She is growing and growing and growing. :bravo: Since you seem to really like tinkering with all of the flux arms, then I say "the more the merrier". More arms = more potential bud sites = more bud. As long as you have the space, sounds good to me!
welcome in the led reality :ganjamon: but your job is also as important as the led light. she's very healthy, i see the speed of your grow compare to mine, i know i said it previously, but it still kick my ass.

And as Dr Skunny said, 12 arms for me were daily 30 min on it, so you with 26/28 arms and you doing your job very conscientiously :riskybusiness:.good luck. but it will be great pleasure too we all know that.

This yard will soon be known as the first yard of Dr R69 :)
I'm being consumed by the Flux...LOL.

Anyway, just finished trimming and training. The numbers are well within norm so no need to post those.

Here are the pics....












Head count...


I am sooooo ready for the weekend.

Res change out tomorrow and I'll post a couple pics of the after.

Later Chodes...LOL!!!
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