Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Update on Naturally Flowering KC-45 (Lemon Skunk pheno)

Mainly tried to illustrate the inner-workings of the plant to show the stems. The plant is just perfectly oriented. It has the perfect airflow.Be Well 420 Magaziners :hookah:[/I]

Beautiful... :hmmmm: Here I would be and am worried about that kind of structure because of weather, I wish I had your beautiful climate!!!
119 pages...subbed....see you in a couple days!
It's a dam conspiracy I tell you

Good Morning Brotha Bee! :hookah: :ciao:

everything looks beautiful Lester :) I have a feeling this last force flower KC will be the best one.
I picked out a African land race 100% sativa with some Malawi Gold in it as a freebie when I ordered recently, inspired by your experience with land race 100% sativas haha.

Much Mahalo Sista! :ciao: You may definitely be right! I will pinpoint my favorite one by the time all phenotypes are isolated in the KC-45 Phenotype Project. But there is a fruity version that blew me away. Next up is the pine/spice and lemon/skunk phenos :) :cheer:

I have used Opera with no problems for years.

Roger that. I am currently using Mozilla FireFox. :allgood: Thanks for clicking through my friend, amidst all of the madness and craziness. :Namaste:

Glad to see you still cranking them out. That KC has what I call a dainty look. But she fills in well iit seems. And my friend,, as long as you enjoy the herbs. I have afew sativa's myself growing. And like I said on my journal,, you hit in on the head about flowers in the air............. or on the plant anyways. Keepem Green

Hey Buddy I thank you for dropping by. Always a pleasure. Yup, still cranking them out lol :surf: A "dainty look" huh? :) Yeah this has been a much "tighter" pheno for sure. The smell of her is really strong, but not in the normal realm of lemon. Flowers are in the air though my friend :hug: Your much anticipated update was just beautiful, brother :circle-of-love: :ciao:

Beautiful... :hmmmm: Here I would be and am worried about that kind of structure because of weather, I wish I had your beautiful climate!!!
LOL :surf: What exactly worries you about it? :surf: I have much positive vibrations about this plant :Namaste: We will see what kind of leftovers that OMM and Cronic send us from the HI storms. :surf: :ciao:

119 pages...subbed....see you in a couple days!

Hey and thank you!! Anyone who reads my entire journal from start to finish deserves a big fat bowl and a boat load of reps. :thanks:
Good morning weed Lester. It's Shatterday so have a great day. :high-five:
Good morning weed Lester. It's Shatterday so have a great day. :high-five:

Howdy Bee :ciao: Mahalo and I hope you and yours have a great day too Pal! :surf: :passitleft:
Aloha Brotha and Good Morning :thumb:
and I haven't got that also I have deleted google chrome from my system cause it keeps downloading crap
at one point it kept dling the same dll file over and over it drove me nuts got rid of it and now I got no problems
Aloha Brotha and Good Morning :thumb:
and I haven't got that also I have deleted google chrome from my system cause it keeps downloading crap
at one point it kept dling the same dll file over and over it drove me nuts got rid of it and now I got no problems

Hey Brotha. Good Afternoon. :ciao:

Glad to hear all is up and well in Hawaii. :circle-of-love:

Good to hear from my Hawaiian buddies :surf: :passitleft:
Big Update

Aloha Folks! Decided to it's time to report on a little bit of stuff. I hope you folks have your popcorn ready because it's just starting to get good. I decided to do some pruning today, I want the top buds as big as possible, and this will also help the airflow be carried through the canopy more efficiently. Look how crazy the stem-system on this plant is. :surf: The main thing I decided to do was tie downs. I realized that since my smaller plants are so small, I can easily designate them to the force flowering quarantine area. The natural KC-45 was recently fed a bit of nice bat guano tea, she loved it. I will do her next tea (though meal based) in a couple weeks. I figured what the hell, this one plant is a beast, hopefully it will grow enough buds to make up for my really small plants. So the plant is very accommodating to being trellised and trained in any way you want. I have decided to try and fill up the entire tent with this one plant. I have tied down major branches to the left, and to the right. Her "wings have been spread" and she is "ready to fly" :surf: You won't really be able to see all the repercussions from my work until I give the precious "frontal shot" which won't be for quite awhile :popcorn: For now, we will let that magic baby do her work :circle-of-love: She is also on her continued diet of SNS-209/SNS604B every 48 hours. Ok ok onto the pictures :surf: :ciao:


And a shot of the force flowering plant that is awaiting chop. I can chop her anytime now. I may have to cut her just a couple days before I'd ideally want to, but it's all good. I will be leaving the garden for a week so might just harvest this plant tomorrow morning or on Monday. I'm thinking tomorrow morning, it's looking good,dense,stick icky, and smells great. Haven't had a sample of it, but I used the scope and found some ambers on the sugar leaves, but the calyxes are mostly cloudy and a bunch are clear (which again is fine), so might just claim my bounty whenever I feel like trimming for a few hours. More to come on that one in the near future.:allgood::popcorn:


I kinda feel like Frankenstein's father :rofl: :surf:

Love those pics Lester and they're so damn green!!!!
Question about defoliating:
If u trim a plant that hasn't been trained at all do u completely empty out inside the canopy?
My plants haven't been trained and need a haircut just no sure how much to take off.
My latest pics are up if u wanna take a look. Safe travels BTW!!

Hey raisingcain! :ciao: I saw your plants, I don't think you should do a defoliation. Your plants look very nice as it is :)

Aloha Brotha plants look Great :high-five:
Aloha. Decided to chop it prolly tomorrow, not this morning. It just needs one more day on Earth :Namaste:

They're monsters all right. But in a "What a lovely monster" way. Beautiful update, RL. :thanks:
Yeah, I am quite happy with the structure of the natural KC-45. Now that it's all set up to fly. I just need to do my best job inspecting her :thumb:

Happy weekend lester

Happy Days Kiefers. :ciao:
Good morning herb Lester. It's Skunkday so take it easy today. Unless you want to lounge amongst the girls. That's always fun. :circle-of-love:
Good morning herb Lester. It's Skunkday so take it easy today. Unless you want to lounge amongst the girls. That's always fun. :circle-of-love:

Good Mornings herb Bee. Going to see Paul McCartney concert tonight so should be an interesting day :) Uploading eye candy photos now :surf:
Wonderful medicine Les, the current force flowers are looking primo :Namaste:
The big natural kc45 has definitely passed big betsys status, she is going to be extra sexy once she starts bulking where it counts :blushsmile: Positive vibes coming your way as always :surf: Stay vigilant!
Way cool Lester, Paul McCartney will be a real treat. A little herb and the night will be spectacular. The eye candy is just getting better and better. Beautiful grow :bravo::thumb::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::thumb::bravo:
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