Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

High Lester :byebye:

Congratulations on your harvests, awaiting the reveg results and grow

I can only hope my KC turns out as good as Zilla. The rains have started here, so I'm

going to have to get mine under some plastic and figure out how I'll spread her out

a little and support the limbs at the same time. I've a plan in my head, just hope it works out.

I just let her grow naturally so I have a 6 ft plus, very bushy Christmas tree with a zillion buds

I think next year I'll train her like you did. This one was supposed to be an auto, but when she

just kept going past her mid May date I moved her outside :ciao:

Drugs may lead to nowhere

but at least its the scenic route
Aloha Brotha :high-five: :volcano-smiley:

Hey Bro I know we don't get to shoot the shit much anymore but it's great to have you cruise through now and then. Aloha buddy! :ciao:

High Lester :byebye:

Congratulations on your harvests, awaiting the reveg results and grow

I can only hope my KC turns out as good as Zilla. The rains have started here, so I'm

going to have to get mine under some plastic and figure out how I'll spread her out

a little and support the limbs at the same time. I've a plan in my head, just hope it works out.

I just let her grow naturally so I have a 6 ft plus, very bushy Christmas tree with a zillion buds

I think next year I'll train her like you did. This one was supposed to be an auto, but when she

just kept going past her mid May date I moved her outside :ciao:

Drugs may lead to nowhere

but at least its the scenic route

Hey buddy! Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I'm interested in this reveg thing too. :Namaste:

I had forgotten you had some KC-45 going. I hope she finishes up good for ya! I need to swing by your journal and check it out. Rains coming huh? Well I can see where you were coming from when you originally planted. I too thought they were gonna autoflower. The first ones I planted back in December grew and were harvested in May (of this year), which is why I resorted to force flowering them all through. What Zilla did for us was really remarkable. I think it's as simple as - you get an indica/sativa hybrid and depending on the environment it will grow like a sativa (too hot maybe), and in this case we're supposed to have a sativa/ruderalis hybrid. Similar thing happened with the phenotype expressed through the genotype. Because I have heard of people flowering them under 24/0 light so that's one really weird and crazy plant we got!! :cheer:

Hope yours works out! And don't forget to come back in the future for the KC-45 Phenotype Project :thumb:

Good Morning Lester! Hope ya have a great day!:)

Good Morning brother! Thank you kindly, right back at ya ;)

Update tomorrow guys/gals :)
Lester, when I read this the first person that came to mind for confirmation was you. Is this a correct statement?
Let all the pistils turn colour. If your plant is still producing white pistils, it means it is still ripening!
Yes that is correct. All pistils should be red, shows maturity. BUT everybody likes different things. Some people like to smoke bud that are a little premature, right Les? ;)
Lester, when I read this the first person that came to mind for confirmation was you. Is this a correct statement?

It's not completely true, but it has its merits.

A lot of that is strain dependent. Pure sativas will just keep on growing and growing, even if that means foxtailing the hell out of the buds. So the trichomes could very well be the perfect ripeness, but if you are waiting for the all the pistils to turn brown, you may be waiting a long time!

On the other hand, if the pistils aren't whithered - than that means the calyx accompanying them is still alive and swelling, but that is not completely indicative of the chemical composition of your trichomes!

So, I mean, it's really hard to generalize things because the ripening of your fruit is based off 1) your specific medical needs and 2) the case-by case scenario presented by each unique plant....

In the case of my Zilla, the pistils were not all totally whithered when I harvested them. If I waited that long I would probably have seen a lot of bud-rot. The fact of the matter is, even though my pistils appeared mostly white when I harvested, the buds were ready to cut. To be honest, I go off how dense the buds are, if all your pistils are white and its still growing, but the buds are rock hard and dense and covered in frost, your pretty much good to go... there are many other factors at play, especially in outdoor gardening, which tell you when to harvest.

It's not just one sole factor that you rely on.
Thanxx Overlord...
Yes that is correct. All pistils should be red, shows maturity. BUT everybody likes different things. Some people like to smoke bud that are a little premature, right Les? ;)

You take what you can get brother, I've learned after many worm infested rotted buds to just take what I can get when its the best and not get "greedy" to wait for the perfect crop (Zilla was as close as it got) and just watch my buds rot. So a lot of the times I do have to pull buds earlier than I'd like to ideally.... not a problem for me because I love the upper sativa highs.

And we're just talking about natural flowers, I can let my force flowers ripen up perfectly (which I did) because I have much more control over them throughout the summer.

For the hell of it, I'm gonna post all the force flowers(KC Pheno 1,2 revegged on me during mid bloom and I had to save them by FF) that I have been harvesting since May. Pretty good year! The natural flowers are just a bonus.

KC-45 Phenotypes # 1 and # 2 (Lemon spice compact + lemon spice aerated) HARVESTED IN MAY


Blackberry from Nirvana HARVESTED IN JUNE/JULY (believe it or not - Phenotypes #1,2,3,4)


KC-45 Phenotypes #3,4,5 (Lemon tart + green fruit + Pine Spice) HARVESTED IN AUGUST

Ok so that was JUST the force flowers! Dates posted.
It's not completely true, but it has its merits.

A lot of that is strain dependent. Pure sativas will just keep on growing and growing, even if that means foxtailing the hell out of the buds. So the trichomes could very well be the perfect ripeness, but if you are waiting for the all the pistils to turn brown, you may be waiting a long time!

On the other hand, if the pistils aren't whithered - than that means the calyx accompanying them is still alive and swelling, but that is not completely indicative of the chemical composition of your trichomes!

So, I mean, it's really hard to generalize things because the ripening of your fruit is based off 1) your specific medical needs and 2) the case-by case scenario presented by each unique plant....

In the case of my Zilla, the pistils were not all totally whithered when I harvested them. If I waited that long I would probably have seen a lot of bud-rot. The fact of the matter is, even though my pistils appeared mostly white when I harvested, the buds were ready to cut. To be honest, I go off how dense the buds are, if all your pistils are white and its still growing, but the buds are rock hard and dense and covered in frost, your pretty much good to go... there are many other factors at play, especially in outdoor gardening, which tell you when to harvest.

It's not just one sole factor that you rely on.

Professor. Great info here. Especially. If you a newbie. I went with pistol color and trichome color on my first plant.

As for the jungle girl she has a lot of whit pistols, but tons of Amber trichomes, and very dense tops. Thank you for this info, as it makes my decision to harvest her much easier.
Good evening weed Lester. Nice show. Loved it. Happy Weedsday :high-five::volcano-smiley:
Thanks for the insight on when to harvest Lester :) I can understand the sentiment of just taking what you can get after the Roller Coaster of my growing season lol.

My unknown strains this year (Mama and Lucy, I named them lol) seem to wait a long time for the pistils to wither and turn red/brown, and even then they'll keep growing new white ones at the very tip all the time. Knowing this I'm probably going to be chopping my Mini Mama and Mini Lucy soon, even though their pistils are still mostly white.

But I usually have tried to wait for at least 1/3rd to turn red, and I always try to get at least a few ambers (and sometimes fail epicly) ... hmm. you have me pondering my methods lol. This is why I love visiting your journal :) that and the bud porn, your natural chill vibes, and the occasional tortoise pic.

And I agree with Teddy, what a nice reflective Force Flower update, thanks for taking the time to go back and share that for those of us (me) that haven't been here since the start, and were too foolish to go back and read the whole thing. :laughtwo: :volcano-smiley::circle-of-love:
Professor. Great info here. Especially. If you a newbie. I went with pistol color and trichome color on my first plant.

As for the jungle girl she has a lot of whit pistols, but tons of Amber trichomes, and very dense tops. Thank you for this info, as it makes my decision to harvest her much easier.
Glad you liked the info and it helped put your mind at ease. Stay relaxed mon :volcano-smiley:

Good evening weed Lester. Nice show. Loved it. Happy Weedsday :high-five::volcano-smiley:

Good Evening weed my friend!!:volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley:

:volcano-smiley: great tribute post Les! Loved seeing them all again. :circle-of-love:

Mahalo my friend! Glad to hear that :)

Thanks for the insight on when to harvest Lester :) I can understand the sentiment of just taking what you can get after the Roller Coaster of my growing season lol.

My unknown strains this year (Mama and Lucy, I named them lol) seem to wait a long time for the pistils to wither and turn red/brown, and even then they'll keep growing new white ones at the very tip all the time. Knowing this I'm probably going to be chopping my Mini Mama and Mini Lucy soon, even though their pistils are still mostly white.

But I usually have tried to wait for at least 1/3rd to turn red, and I always try to get at least a few ambers (and sometimes fail epicly) ... hmm. you have me pondering my methods lol. This is why I love visiting your journal :) that and the bud porn, your natural chill vibes, and the occasional tortoise pic.

And I agree with Teddy, what a nice reflective Force Flower update, thanks for taking the time to go back and share that for those of us (me) that haven't been here since the start, and were too foolish to go back and read the whole thing. :laughtwo: :volcano-smiley::circle-of-love:

Your welcome, and thanks for the kind words. I realize that this journal has so much material in it that it would take forevever for somebody to sit down and go back and read each page. Tons of material in each page. So it's always good to catch people up wth one big post right? :) Mahalo my Sista from anotha Mista! :passitleft:
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