Ravenplume Grow Journal 2024:4 - Timing Studies


Well-Known Member
2024-08-02 : 08:00

Alright, here's another little midseason/postseason project. The general scope of this one is just simply documenting as best I can the timings of various growth phases.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-00 - Scope.jpg

I am starting with three Birthday Cake Lite-2022 from Plant:1, as they are still my least represented of what I have going, with the only active ones being the pair in the Egghead Project. After the third one sprouts, or more likely 24 hours after the third one sprouts, Jiffy Pellets will be put in J-Pots and "inflated, and the sprouts will get their initial planting and be put on flowering lighting for 2 weeks, with measurements to be taken daily. Hopefully, whichever one gets the 3 inch J-Pot and the metal planter will be a girl. The other two will get the 2 inch J-Pots with the small Dollar Tree planters. The planters will be just drip catchers initially, before getting filled in with dirt.

This batch is being darkwater germinated (aka 2 seeds 1 cup...3 seeds in this case of course), as I want to get the actual sprout time, not pop time which would be if they were direct planted) and growth measurements from Day 1. Later subjects for this project will get a mix of 2S1C and direct planted in the Jiffy Pellets and pots as comparison.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-01 - Subjects.jpg

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-02 - 3 Seeds 1 Cup.jpg

So there we have them...

BCL-PL:1/2022(x3) 24/08-02:xx:yy - Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, with xx and yy to be filled in as the individuals are sprouted and then planted.

Started - 2024-08-02 / 08:00
2024-08-04 / 08:00

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-03 -First Two Born.jpg

The first two have sprouted already.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-04 - Alpha and Bravo - Day 0.jpg

BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:04:yy - Alpha and Bravo - TTS: 48 Hours

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-05 - Alpha Bravo in Fuckamajigs.jpg

I went ahead and moved them to their own little plastic fuckamajigs so I don't forget which is which as they grow out. When they get their Jiffy Pellets, they will keep their little tubs as well until they are ready to be planted.
2024-080-05 / 17:00

Charlie is now sprouted.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-06 - Charlie - Day 0.jpg

And now moved from the Solo cup to a fuckamajig like the others.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-07 - Charlie in Fuckamajig.jpg

BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:05:yy - Charlie - TTS: 81 Hours

I think 16:20 on the 7th is when they will go into Jiffy Pellets AND be put on 14D/10L flowering lighting for 2 weeks.
2024-08-07 / 10:00

Time to get these in their J-pellets. Charlie is growing slower than normal, so no idea if it will make it. If not, then I restart again on that one.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-08 - Ready for J-Pellets.jpg

So next I went ahead and "inflated" the Jiffy Pellets. Got them wet and did other things for about a half hour or so while they expanded.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-09 - J-Pellets Inflated.jpg

And then they got plugged into their individual pellets...
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-10 - Planted in J-Pellets.jpg

Alpha and Bravo got the two that took a bit of damage in the pellets' tops, and Charlie went into the undamaged one. Had a couple radishes in pellets that got uprooted and knocked into the fuckamajigs recently, so am trying to take better care not to allow that with these...

And now they get to spend the day in the south facing window in my room alongside the Eggheads, and will be put under a lamp after sundown. Then at 22:00 tonight, they begin their first 14 hour dark period on the flowering lighting cycle I use of 14/10, and will come back out at noon tomorrow.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-11 - In Window.jpg

*** Day 0 ***

BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:04:07 - Alpha : SPT+3 Days
BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:04:07 - Bravo : SPT+3 Days
BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:05:07 - Charlie : SPT+2 Days

I will likely take measurements as they grow in their pellets, but will be resetting said measurements once they are in their various planters and have cleared the lip of their pots. I will also likely do a small update to log them going into the dark tonight, and their first wakey tomorrow at noon. After that, we will see how the updates go.
2024-08-13 / 20:00

I am going ahead and starting actually another TEN seeds for this project.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-12 - Solo Cup Starts.jpg

It is one of each type of seed I have (except for @SeedsMan Purple Ghost Candy and my last pure Bubblegum.)

That is 1 each, Birthday Cake Lite Plant 0 and 1, Birthday Spanking Pair 00 and 01 Generation 00, Bittersweet Pie Lite, Bubblegum Lite, Feyleaf, Feyleaf Lite, Wildling:00/2019, and Wildling:01/2023.

This little addition to the project happened as I was pondering my little Wildling:00 that has been living happily in a little 2 ounce Solo cup.
Wildling-00 - Solo Cup.jpg

These 10 are of course going to be carefully monitored and logged as I had intended to do with the Jiffy Pellet subjects, but have fallen a bit behind on those, and bneed to get an update on them done soon.

With these 10, I am going to do my usual and put them on flowering lighting for 14 days after they sprout and spread their baby leaves and then whether I let them reveg or continue in flower depends on whether girl or boy. Boys will get to reveg as normal, and their pollen will be captured as best I can. Girls will continue in flower, and their crowns will get pollinated, either by one of the boys from this batch if there are any, or from one of the boys I have already from other projects; likely a sibling. Timings will be tracked of course; pop time, plant time, sexing time, reveg time, etc.

Ultimately, I am hoping to get from each female plant, some seeds and a small sampling of smokable bud (obviously the crown at the tender age they will be flowering, but hopefully a smidgen from further down as well.)
2024-08-22 / 18:00
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-13.jpg

Figured it was high time to get this trio planted. Took longer than expected for Charlie to be grown up enough, but looks like she ultimately passed Bravo. The pellets seem to be exceptionally underwhelming in their usage. I mean, they work okay, but the growth in them is far slower than if directly planted even. I will ultimately use up my supply on various plants, but will not replenish them once they are gone. Jiffy Pots it is from here on out. Also about time to get a new batch of paper towels so I can get back to germinating that way again. That really is my preferred technique, with direct plant second.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-14.jpg

Alpha is obviously slated for the big planter, while Bravo and Charlie get the small dollar Tree planters. Not wasting perfectly good Jiffy pots on them, since my supply of the small ones are nearly gone and Bi-Mart has not restocked (seed season is over).

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-15.jpg

*** Day 15 ***

BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:04:07:22 - Alpha : SPT+18 Days / 1/2" (12.7mm)
BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:04:07:22 - Bravo : SPT+18 Days / 1/8" (3.17mm
BCL-PL:1/2022 24/08-02:05:07:22 - Charlie : SPT+17 Days / 5/8" (15.9mm)

I will not be assigning pet project names to these until they have been sexed. Any boys, will be named in order of "manifestation", Huey, Dewey, and Louie, of course, and any girls will be named the boys' counterparts: April, May, and June.

Will update the other aspects of this journal a little later, possibly tomorrow, with hopefully updates for other journals to come then as well.
Alright. This project has gone off track due to my own negligence. So I will just give what update I can on what we have thus far...

First, we got the Solo cup subjects, which I am now calling Tokens, and the Wildling:00 I showed previously is now officially a part of this side project, and is hereby named Token:00, or TK:00 for short.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-4- Solo Token-0-00.jpg

I am still hoping that in addition to that pretty little crown, which I could at this time if I wanted to, hand pollinate with a brother Wildling:00 (quite certain this is a girl) and make a couple new Feyleaf G:00 seeds, she will show a node or two before the end of the year.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-4- Solo Token-0-01.jpg

SC:240618 - Size: 4" (10.2cm)

I think next time she is ready for watering, I will also dig out a little bit of her dirt and give her some of the daily coffee grounds for the nutrients.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-13 - Solo Cup Survivors.jpg
Only 6 of the Solo gang made it to what I call Level:0 status (definite crown and nodes that can be flipped to flower at any time)

22 Days after planting

TK:01 - Birthday Spanking - Pair:00 - 3/4" (19.1mm)
TK:02 - Birthday Spanking - Pair:01 - 7/8" (22.2mm)
TK:03 - Bitter Sweet Pie Lite:2023 - 1/2" (12.7mm)
TK:04 - Feyleaf - Generation:00 - 3/4" (9.53mm)
TK:05 - Feyleaf Lite:2023 - 1/4" (6.35mm)
TK:06 - Wildling:01/2023 - 1 3/8" (34.9mm)

I failed to keep up on their timings, so planning on starting another set soon, though they will do paper towel germination this time around, and THIS TIME, I will keep proper control of the experiment. And if this goes how I am picturing, I may even get some "limited edition" seeds when the inevitable boys manifest. Ultimately, in addition to getting a good idea of timings of various stages of grown, I am also hoping that any of my Token girls will give me at a minimum, a toker's worth of bud to smoke, and a seed or two. If this works out, it is going to open up some great possibilities for post season experiments and projects, knowing I can bring a plant to full flower even in a tiny planter like these 2 ounce cups.

I do believe these 6 will get put on 14D/10L flowering lighting tonight at 22:00 (wakey at noon as usual). Will also be getting another 10 started (one of each type) real soon.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-14 - BC Lite-Trio.jpg

Meanwhile, the Birthday Cake Lite - Plant:01 trio is doing quite lovely.
A: 1.0" (25.4mm)
B: 0.5" (12.7mm)
C: 1.5" (38.1mm)

Alpha and Bravo have been kept under a typical old floro desk lamp and also getting regular afternoon sun.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-15 - BC Lite-A-B-Lighting.jpg

Charlie has been enjoying the little blurple light on the nightstand, alongside Cloverbelle the Guttersnipe-Mutt.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-16 - BC Lite-C-Lighting.jpg

And lastly for this update, we have the 4 midseason backups...
Mid Season Backups - 10 - General Update.jpg

Birthday Spanking - Pair:01 : 2 7/8" (7.3cm)
Bittersweet Pie Lite - 2023 : 3" (7.62cm)
Bubblegum Lite - 2023 : 3 3/4" (9.84cm)
Wildling:01/2023 - 3" (7.62cm)

I think I am going to let them remain out there on the table on the front porch until the plants in the cage out back get harvested (so around Halloween most likely), then they get to come in and undergo reveg and become post season projects, and potential next year primaries, unless I get them grown out over the Winter, and possibly bred and harvested like late Spring. That is an objective of timing studies, learning and mastering timings to be able to have a harvest most any time of year. :)

That's all for now. Hopefully tomorrow, I will have a nice update on the main grow, as well as the Guttersnipe-Mutts (considering one of those is now part of the main grow).
2024-09-06 / 22:30

Yesterday morning at 03:00, I started one of each of my seeds except the last pure Bubblegum and the 2 remaining Purple Ghost Candy in damp paper towels as a restart on the Solo Cup experiment.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-17 - Token Napkins.jpg

As of 08:00 this morning, both Birthday Cake Lites (PL:0 and PL:1) were sprouted. And when I checked again about a half hour ago (22:00), the two Birthday Spankings (PR:00 and PR:01) as well as the Feyleaf Generation:00/2022 and the Wildling:01/2023 were sprouted. Bitter Sweet Pie Lite, Bubblegum Lite, and Wildling:00/2019 are still unsprouted.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-18 - First Tokens Sprouted.jpg

TTS : Birthday Cake Lite - Plant:1 : 5 Hours
TTS : Birthday Cake Lite - Plant:1 : 5 Hours
TTS : Birthday Spanking - Pair:00 : 19 Hours
TTS : Birthday Spanking - Pair:01 : 19 Hours
TTS : Bitter Sweet Pie Lite:2023 : N/A
TTS : Bubblegum Lite:2023 : N/A
TTS : Feyleaf G:00/2022 : 19 Hours
TTS : Feyleaf Lite Pair:00/2023 : 19 Hours
TTS : Wildling:00/2019 : N/A
TTS : Wildling:01/2035 : 19 Hours

Once all are sprouted, they will all get planted up to the bean in Solo cups, and measurements will be started once the first one clears the lip of its cup.
And I fucked up the timing reports. What they should be...

TTS : Birthday Cake Lite - Plant:1 : 29 Hours
TTS : Birthday Cake Lite - Plant:1 : 29 Hours
TTS : Birthday Spanking - Pair:00 : 43 Hours
TTS : Birthday Spanking - Pair:01 : 43 Hours
TTS : Bitter Sweet Pie Lite:2023 : N/A
TTS : Bubblegum Lite:2023 : N/A
TTS : Feyleaf G:00/2022 : 29 Hours
TTS : Feyleaf Lite Pair:00/2023 : 29 Hours
TTS : Wildling:00/2019 : N/A
TTS : Wildling:01/2035 : 29 Hours
2024-09-09 / 08:00

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-19 - TK18 - WD00 Sprouted.jpg

Wildling:00/2019 - TK:18 is sprouted.

TTS: 34 Hours

Only representatives for the second round of Tokens still unsprouted are Bitter Sweet Pie Lite and Bubblegum Lite. Too bad for them. This evening, I am going to get the 8 TK:1x series planted (including the Wildling:00 since it will likely have significant growth already by then), and the other two can catch up and be a day or two behind the others. If they are not sprouted by the end of this month, I will toss them, and they can be in the next round, which will be the TK:2x series, and will have a lot of new seeds going into the lineup (several new Wildlings, at least 2 Breedbacks, at least 1 new pure from a pair of Wildling:01 siblings, and possibly 1 or two self pollinatings (Purple Ghost Candy S:02 - Pinky MAY be one of those. If not, she will make a new Wildling.)

Kinda lost track of what new arrivals I have coming; will sort out a list as I touch on each plant I am working with throughout the day and jot down what it is producing and what the father(s) were. It is enough to where I am going to have to think hard what two (in addition to next year's Feyleaf and Purple Ghost Candy...which I am planning on attempting to Winter) will be out in the cage next year. I'm thinking the new and upcoming Muskflower (from the Wildling:01/2923 siblings) and the upcoming Woofle Dust, the Feyleaf Lite Breedback.
2024-09-09 / 16:00

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-4-20 - Solo Cup TK1 Series Starts.jpg

8 Token sprouts are planted in their solo cups for the TK1 series.

TK:10 - Birthday Cake Lite - Plant:0 - SPT+ 3 Days
TK:11 - Birthday Cake Lite - Plant:0 - SPT+ 3 Days
TK:12 - Birthday Spanking - Pair:00 - SPT+ 4 Days
TK:13 - Birthday Spanking - Pair:00 - SPT+ 4 Days
TK:16 - Feyleaf - G:00/2022 - SPT+ 3 Days
TK:17 - Feyleaf Lite - Pair:00/2023 - SPT+ 3 Days
TK:18 - Wildling:00/2019 - SPT+ 1 Day
TK:19 - Wildling:01/2023 - SPT+ 3 Days

BSP Lite slipped out of its germination towel and was replaced. Bubblegum Lite is still unsprouted, and has until end of month to come alive or it gets replaced.
2024-09-11 / 16:00

BSP Lite Token TK14 Sprouted.jpg

Bitter Sweet Pie Lite - TK:14 is now sprouted.

TTS: 2 Days
And TK:14 is somehow missing again. Obviously slipped out of the towel, and no sign of it in the baggie. At this point, I am saying fuck it and not starting a replacement until I am ready for the 2xx series.
2024-09-14 / 16:20

No picture, but TK:11 - Birthday Cake Lite PL:1 up and died on me. I think it stretched out too much under the lamps here and I did not get it out into the sun until too late. It will not be replaced. And in fact, no additional Birthday Cake Lites will be started until 2028, as that will be when these seeds are 5 years old and time for the first "quality check" to see if they are still viable, then every 2 years after, at least until my inventory gets to where I only have perhaps 10 or fewer remaining, then they go into the "archives" so to speak.

The 6 surviving TK:0x series Tokens are now being put on forced flowering lighting for 2 weeks, at 14 hours dark and 12 hours light until 09/28. They will be brought back out of the dark drawer they spend their nights in now at noon, or close to it.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-1-20 - TK0x Series Tokens Starting Flower.jpg

TK:02 - Birthday Spanking - Pair:00/2023 : 2 5/8"in (6.67cm)
TK:03 - Birthday Spanking - Pair:01/2023 : 2.75in (6.98cm)
TK:04 - Bitter Sweet Pie Lite/2023 : 1 7/8"in (4.76cm)
TK:06 - Feyleaf - Pair:00/2022 : 1 3/8"in (34.9mm)
TK:07 - Feyleaf Lite - Pair:00/2023 : 1 1/8"in (28.6mm)
TK:09 - Wildling-01/2023 : 1 7/8"in (4.76cm)
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