GJCN420M-2023:06 - One Month Sexing Experiment

2024-08-03 / 08:45

And that replacement Wildling:-01 up and died on me. Guessing it was the brutal triple digits we had again recently that did it in. For the next replacement, I am forgoing the Jiffypot and yard dirt, and I inflated a Jiffy Pellet to stick it in this time.

Mid Season Backups - 07 - Wildling-01 Restart J-Pellet-0.jpg

I figure this will also be a good use of those little plastic fuckamajigs that I was going to do cuttings in (switched to opaque 2 ounce Solo cups for that instead), freeing up my very limited remaining supply of 2 inch J-Pots for other things.

Mid Season Backups - 08 - Wildling-01 Restart J-Pellet-1.jpg

This one is also going to be kept indoors under the little blurple lamp on my nightstand, alongside Cloverbelle, the Guttersnipe Mutt; at least until it has an actual crown and first node, then it gets potted with its cousins and rejoins them on the porch.

Mid Season Backups - 09 - Wildling-01 Restart J-Pellet-2.jpg
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