Ravenplume Grow Journal 2024:2 - Figuring Out Cuttings


Well-Known Member
2024-07-17 / 15:30

Alright, time for a slightly less traditional journal. This one is documenting my attempts at finally learning to make clones; an achievement that has been ever elusive for me for whatever reason.

So anyway, every time I take a cutting and try to root it, it will be documented here, with also a notation in that specific project's own journal as well.

Now, first installment, I am selecting Bethany, Mutt:05 as my subject.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-2-01 - Bethany - Mother Plant.jpg

and her two bottom nodes are our lucky volunteers...
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-2-02 - Bethany - Cutting Candidates.jpg

The tools for this operation are pretty basic, and unless I switch anything out, won't need to show them off again...
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-2-00-Cloning Gear.jpg

Dip 'n Grow rooting hormone, a small Jiffy Pot full of damp dirt with a hole poke down the middle all the way to the bottom, a little clear 68ml plastic container of water, and the Snippity Doodad tool that came with the Purple Ghost Candies from @SeedsMan.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-2-03 - Bethany - Snipped.jpg

So anyway, the snippings were taken, and hopefully the tool was up to the task properly. It was a little tougher than expected, so no idea if I fucked it up or not with too blunt a blade. I did lightly slit the end of each cutting though before dipping.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-2-04 - Bethany - Dipped.jpg

After that, the taller snipping went into the Jiffy Pot, and the other went into the water so I can monitor it for root growth. Any idea how long it should take?

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-2-06 - Bethany - Under Blurple Lamp.jpg

They will stay under the little blurple lamp on my nightstand until bedtime.

And ugh, 2 hours later, the planted one is starting to droop. Not sure what else to do. This cloning thing seems to be one of those things where no matter what, it works for everyone, except me.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-2-05 - Bethany - Now We Wait.jpg
Hello friend, I saw your post and I appreciate the opportunity to help so thank you so much for asking, I did notice that photo of the cuttings inside of your bottle of Dip'nGrow, there should be a tube that came with that, on that tube there are lines, the bottom line is all of the concentrate that you need to make a full tube of rooting hormone for these soft cuttings, your stuff will last longer at least, its super acidic stuff. the other thing is the humidity dome, clones need %75-%90 percent humidity for growth, then slowly acclimating them to room conditions "hardening off", at %55-%70
Thanks again, and please feel free to ask me anything, and if I can help you then I will.
Have an awesome day. :yummy:
And ugh, 2 hours later, the planted one is starting to droop. Not sure what else to do. This cloning thing seems to be one of those things where no matter what, it works for everyone, except me.
Cloning is not always easy and might not be successful no matter how hard we try. Like a lot of things in life we will hear about successes and often not hear about someone else's failures.

The cutting you planted in the dirt needs to be watered. The one that is in water is able to absorb the water it needs through the cut on the end and through the stem but the one in soil needs that dirt to be moist, almost wet, until the cutting starts growing roots which, with some luck, will be in the next 10 to 14 days. Figure on keeping the dirt moist enough that it will keep the peat pot wet and somewhat soft.
Couple of small details that may help - purely what works for me, I'm no pro

Cut at a 45°angle just below the nodes to increase surface area to better absorb the hormone
Slice off those leaf stumps down the stem to expose the inner stem for the same reason - they could also rot anyway

Don't put cuttings under direct light, I'd put them in a propagator shaded with a sheet of paper over the top
You could have used the next node for your cut to reduce the amount of foliage requiring water from the stem/root
Peat or coco plugs tend to stay more consistently moist and hold some Oxygen

I usually see roots in around 7-10 days
If any of that helps, great
Cut at a 45°angle just below the nodes to increase surface area to better absorb the hormone
It used to be that the 45 degree angle came up just about every time taking cuttings was mentioned. Now I hardly ever see it mentioned unless one of us old timers bring it up;).
It used to be that the 45 degree angle came up just about every time taking cuttings was mentioned. Now I hardly ever see it mentioned unless one of us old timers bring it up;).
I suppose that makes me an Old Timer - I'm fine with that all the while my plants grow well and my bud is good :hookah:
Hope you're keeping well @SmokingWings, I feel like I've known you forever lol
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