Ravenplume's @Seedsman Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Journal - 2024

Yeah, not going to try to winter any of them after all. And in fact, I already have an inkling of what the 4 mains in the cage will be next year. Feyleaf Generation:01 and Birthday Spanking Generation:01 (as opposed to the Gen:00 girls out there this year), and my two new pures I have coming in, Woofle Dust from the Wildling:01/2023 siblings, and Muskflower from the Feyleaf Lite-Pair:00/2023 siblings.

And then for the bucket babes, 2 Purple Ghost Candy Lite, both of which I may try to make feminized pollen from next year and then cross pollinate each other for a pair of breedbacks via double cross, the Bitter Sweet Pie Lite and Bubblegum Lite breedbacks, and the upcoming Feyleaf Lite Pair:01
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