Purple Kush, Regular/Photo - DynoMyco We Want You - Side-By-Side Comparative Grow

Hi Emmie! I hope you find a good sprouting routine that works for you!
Sorry, I am ignorant of FFOF and FFHF, as I have never used them.

I mixed up 2 bowls of soil, with 3 solo cups in each. One was FFOF for the bottom half of the containers and the other FFHF for the top of the containers. Each bowl was given 3 tsp of @DYNOMYCO, and it was mixed in thoroughly.

The cups were built with FFOF up to the half way point and then the FFHF mix was filled in to 1 inch from the top. The seedling was put in and then FFHF was filled in on top of it, to 1/2 inch from the top.

Would you want to share the sage reasons why you put FFOF and FFHF where you did, for those who have never used these soils, and do not know the difference? Thanks!
Because I am sure you probably have real good reasons for using those soils like you did, but since I do not know the difference in real terms, I am not sure how to decipher the Emmie-hieroglyphs! Haha.
Is one perhaps hotter than the other, so you are maybe using it like a "supersoil" of sorts? Haha, or why are you doing that?? Hahaha!
Hi Emmie! I hope you find a good sprouting routine that works for you!
Sorry, I am ignorant of FFOF and FFHF, as I have never used them.

Would you want to share the sage reasons why you put FFOF and FFHF where you did, for those who have never used these soils, and do not know the difference? Thanks!
Because I am sure you probably have real good reasons for using those soils like you did, but since I do not know the difference in real terms, I am not sure how to decipher the Emmie-hieroglyphs! Haha.
Is one perhaps hotter than the other, so you are maybe using it like a "supersoil" of sorts? Haha, or why are you doing that?? Hahaha!
FFOF is Fox Farm's Ocean Forest and FFHF is Fox Farm's Happy Frog. Each soil has been blended for a different purpose. Happy Frog has a lot of sphagnum moss and was originally sold as a starter soil, for giving seedlings a good start in a medium designed to grow roots. It goes in the top half of my cup, surrounding the seed. The Ocean Forest is a much more robust soil, some would say rich, and is a bit strong for starting some varieties of this weed in. It goes in the bottom half of the cup, so the roots can adapt and adjust to it before they get there, and for an additional boost in nutrients when they do.
It makes perfect sense.
Thank you, @Emilya !
Lookin Good!
My four, I soaked for a few days - (In shots) two appeared split, two swollen.
Stuck all 4 in Peat Plugs w/ a dusting of 20-10-10 on top... One 'seed' has worked it's way to the top of the plug, but sprout is still in the shell... >sigh<
It's been a WEEK. about ready to open those other plugs (GENTLY!!!) and see if anything is going on...

BITD, pretty sure I used a paper towel - will for SURE go that route next time.
OK... that was crazy. I haven't seen tails like that for a while now... I wonder how long it has been since I did it correctly? I see now why one of the popular seedbanks will not replace seeds unless you use the paper towel method.

Two of the seeds were not viable. That is clear in the paper towel and there is no sense in planting them. The other 8 were definitely viable and needing to be planted.

I mixed up 2 bowls of soil, with 3 solo cups in each. One was FFOF for the bottom half of the containers and the other FFHF for the top of the containers. Each bowl was given 3 tsp of @DYNOMYCO, and it was mixed in thoroughly.

The cups were built with FFOF up to the half way point and then the FFHF mix was filled in to 1 inch from the top. The seedling was put in and then FFHF was filled in on top of it, to 1/2 inch from the top.

This was done for 5 of the 8 plants. 3 of the plants did not get any Dynomyco for our control.

The cups were all given 20 squirts from my sprayer, twice within an hour. Later the cups were carefully watered to runoff so as to get a lot of water in there. Hopefully we will get a better response on this round, and things certainly look to be better already.

Cross your fingers and your toes... Hopefully we will get this thing going very soon.
Wishing all the luck!
OK... that was crazy. I haven't seen tails like that for a while now... I wonder how long it has been since I did it correctly? I see now why one of the popular seedbanks will not replace seeds unless you use the paper towel method.

Two of the seeds were not viable. That is clear in the paper towel and there is no sense in planting them. The other 8 were definitely viable and needing to be planted.

I mixed up 2 bowls of soil, with 3 solo cups in each. One was FFOF for the bottom half of the containers and the other FFHF for the top of the containers. Each bowl was given 3 tsp of @DYNOMYCO, and it was mixed in thoroughly.

The cups were built with FFOF up to the half way point and then the FFHF mix was filled in to 1 inch from the top. The seedling was put in and then FFHF was filled in on top of it, to 1/2 inch from the top.

This was done for 5 of the 8 plants. 3 of the plants did not get any Dynomyco for our control.

The cups were all given 20 squirts from my sprayer, twice within an hour. Later the cups were carefully watered to runoff so as to get a lot of water in there. Hopefully we will get a better response on this round, and things certainly look to be better already.

Cross your fingers and your toes... Hopefully we will get this thing going very soon.
Paper towel for the win!
No more new seedlings came up today, so in response I have started 6 more seeds. I am going to get enough going to do this experiment right, even if I have to sit on them myself to get them to hatch. Not knowing sex at this point, I can't continue with just 4 plants, the experiment could fail simply due to a lack of participants. I will not be thwarted. Tomorrow these seeds will hit the paper towel.
Two of these seeds were not viable, but the others had tails and were planted this morning. That part of this update is good... we had 4 seedlings up and 4 new ones with a good start.

This evening I got back from my Saturday - Sunday activity this weekend, the Ham Radio Field Day. I have learned how to copy Morse Code visually, using fast on and off LED lights connected to a special circuit that converts steady tones to light pulses. This weekend I made over 600 contacts in 8 different countries during the 24 hour contest, and made lots of points for our Radio Club.

What I didn't know, is that this has temporarily affected my eyesight! This evening as I worked in the garden, I decided to take action on one of the new Purple Kush seedlings, in that it had a stiff cotyledon and was causing the plant to twist in an odd way. I resolved to cut it off and let her grow normally with just the one remaining cotyledon. Easy, right?

Imagine my dismay when I made the cut and saw not just the cotyledon fall, but also the entire plant. OMFG! My vision is definitely impaired at the moment.

So, this disaster follows all the other disasters so far in the grow, but I am not letting it stop me. Science must go on!

Before I chopped her down, she was one of the non-Dynomyco group, and I was noticing that already, there was a dramatic size difference between the two groups, with the Dyno group being noticeably bigger. You can see it in this picture, but it was much more obvious when there were 4 plants here to compare.

My response to this accident caused by gardening while both deaf and blind, I put 4 more seeds in the paper towel. Some grows go easy... this one is being persnickety.
OH NO!! I'm so sorry to hear that :(

I was chopping my outdoor plant a few days ago, came back inside to my eyes only being able to see this huge yellow "Orb" and it started to change colours, and stuff, completely covering my vision, it was so bad, lmao!

not only that I forgot sunscreen, and ended up with a bad burn on my neck and back area.
I hope that you and your eyes get some good rest, Em.
I seem to have mended well after a good night's sleep and a night in the air conditioning. All is good here in Missouri.

Today I have a few things to report. First, nothing up out of the 4 just planted, and no tails yet on the newest ones put into a wet paper towel.


The control plant is in the back left of this shot. The comparison of size of the two Dyno plants that have come up with the last remaining control (at the moment) plant may not be valid. Today I noticed that our control plant is a polyploid. It may naturally grow slower since it is dealing with 3 branches from each node.

The other interesting thing is that out of the ones that were first planted, I dug up a seedling that looked to be viable, but it had stopped growing toward the surface after losing its helmet. So I planted it in the cup of the one I accidentally chopped, and I left a bit of its damaged cotyledons at the surface so they could get some light. This morning I think I see green coming back to the yellow thing, deep down in the middle, which has to be the first true leaves trying to survive and reach the surface. Nature is amazing sometimes! We may have a fighter on the control group side... a few days will tell.

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