Purple Kush, Regular/Photo - DynoMyco We Want You - Side-By-Side Comparative Grow

Hi Pete! Yes, and I have probably used each cup at least 10 times in the past... some of them go back years! Thanks for asking though, and welcome to the forum!
Thanks, it's good to be here. Was very excited to be following, as I have a grow that I just started, and it seemed I was a week or two behind you. Grew for a year or so, about 30 ya, and had to be paranoid all the time - things have sure changed! I've only got 4 seeds going (I HOPE they're still going) more for space concerns than anything. Soaked 'em for about 2 days, two has totally cracked, two looked about to - so I put them into soaked peat plugs, no one's come out yet, but it's only been two days... and yes, I'm spritzing the plugs to keep them moist...
ok... my apologies again, especially to @DYNOMYCO . The Dutch Passion OG seeds that I have and have recently tried to start, are from an old baggie holding around 500 seeds that is at least 10 years old. They have not put out tails like they should and I doubt that more than a couple of them would even come up, and I am doubtful of those. Worse yet, the water is starting to look cloudy... and I am sure that something bad is happening in there.

The good news is that I found the sneaky place where I set my remaining Purple Kush seeds. I have started a handful of them. Somehow, with all the powers willing, and by sheer brute force, I am going to get some more plants going quickly. I am losing a month in my room rotation over this... beware of old seeds when you are in a hurry. Lesson learned? Stop being in a hurry.

Here we go again. :green_heart:
Oi! That's so unfortunate, and yay I told ya you would find the seeds! Emilya, if you need ANY seeds, you can come to me at any point, I carry autos, and fems! I'm a seed collector x'D (My wife doesn't truly know the amount I have)

Safe Regards,
ok... my apologies again, especially to @DYNOMYCO . The Dutch Passion OG seeds that I have and have recently tried to start, are from an old baggie holding around 500 seeds that is at least 10 years old. They have not put out tails like they should and I doubt that more than a couple of them would even come up, and I am doubtful of those. Worse yet, the water is starting to look cloudy... and I am sure that something bad is happening in there.

The good news is that I found the sneaky place where I set my remaining Purple Kush seeds. I have started a handful of them. Somehow, with all the powers willing, and by sheer brute force, I am going to get some more plants going quickly. I am losing a month in my room rotation over this... beware of old seeds when you are in a hurry. Lesson learned? Stop being in a hurry.

Here we go again. :green_heart:
Good luck, Emilya!!
The seed doesn't need to sink. In fact it's better off if it doesn't. Floating at the surface it has access to both all the water it needs to swell, but also the air it needs as well.

Think about it, seeds in nature don't normally sprout at the bottom of a deep puddle, but rather in moist organic material like soils or leaves.

If mine sink, I pour out some of the water to be sure they're still close to oxygen.
All but one of the seeds has sunk, and I will shake up the water again in a few hours to try to get it to go down too. A new batch of Happy Frog will arrive tomorrow and these seeds will be given the very best treatment possible when it is time to plant, including @DYNOMYCO in the hole.
You should do one random one with Dynomyco shaken/mixed up in there, and see what you get, I wanna see if my results were a fluke or not. If you don't mind! if you do it's ok, I get it, you don't wanna sacrifice anymore babies lol
The seed doesn't need to sink. In fact it's better off if it doesn't. Floating at the surface it has access to both all the water it needs to swell, but also the air it needs as well.

Think about it, seeds in nature don't normally sprout at the bottom of a deep puddle, but rather in moist organic material like soils or leaves.

If mine sink, I pour out some of the water to be sure they're still close to oxygen.
This makes perfect sense and has brought me back to reality. Thank you. Now I understand the merits of the paper towel method. Today the seeds were transferred to a well rinsed paper towel on a plate, covered with cling wrap.

This makes perfect sense and has brought me back to reality. Thank you. Now I understand the merits of the paper towel method. Today the seeds were transferred to a well rinsed paper towel on a plate, covered with cling wrap.

Hi Em hope you are having a nice weekend. :ciao:
I use a similar method and find a heat mat beneficial in keeping the ceramic plate warm.
I find they get cold.
Also I use minimal water hold the plate vertical to get rid of excess.
Too much water they drown.
Also a wooden skewer between the paper towel keeping an air gap around the seed with a damp towel underneath works well also.
Just 2 cents.
Take care.

Stay safe :cool:
If you think about it, the wet paper towel is closer to how they germinate in nature, although I confess I do give them a swim for the first day or two to be sure they absorb enough water. But that's it. Any seed that hasn't cracked goes into paper towels in a sandwich bag after that.
I also use some heat. For me I put the bag on a towel to give it a gentler, more even warmth.

This can be an anxious time in the grow, but that's why I like to have them show some root before planting. That way I know it's at least started growing. If you start them directly in soil you don't get that confirmation up front.

Another thing I do a little differently from most is when I put the towel in the bag, I place the seeds between the bag and the paper towel, not between sheets of paper towels. Then I lay the whole thing seed side down on my warming towel on the heat mat.

That way, I don't have to peel layers of paper towel apart when I want to check on progress.
If you think about it, the wet paper towel is closer to how they germinate in nature, although I confess I do give them a swim for the first day or two to be sure they absorb enough water. But that's it. Any seed that hasn't cracked goes into paper towels in a sandwich bag after that.
I also use some heat. For me I put the bag on a towel to give it a gentler, more even warmth.

This can be an anxious time in the grow, but that's why I like to have them show some root before planting. That way I know it's at least started growing. If you start them directly in soil you don't get that confirmation up front.

Another thing I do a little differently from most is when I put the towel in the bag, I place the seeds between the bag and the paper towel, not between sheets of paper towels. Then I lay the whole thing seed side down on my warming towel on the heat mat.

That way, I don't have to peel layers of paper towel apart when I want to check on progress.
Based on this good advice, I went upstairs to the grow rooms to adjust things a bit before bed. First I tilted the plate to let all the excess water drain away. Then I pulled back the top layer of the paper towels to expose the top half of the seeds to air, while they still have plenty of water to find in the paper towel they are sitting on. Once re-sealed, I put a light barrier on top of the cling wrap so the seeds remain in the dark. I didn't add a heat source, since it is only dropping to 67 tonight and it is still in the 80's up there.

I used to germinate seeds this way, almost... and I remember having much better luck in the past with starting seeds. Now I realize why... the seeds need heat, water and air, all at the same time. Duh.

Already, in 12 hours while wrapped up in the wet paper towel, the seeds were showing much more activity. I will not be surprised if I am greeted in the morning with several long tails... longer tails than I have seen for a while. Thank you @Azimuth ... I am back on course again thanks to your very timely and tactful guidance. This is a lesson to me in how easy it is for one to micro adjust their way right out of the correct way of doing things while trying this and that, and then second guessing everything when things go sideways.


This makes perfect sense and has brought me back to reality. Thank you. Now I understand the merits of the paper towel method. Today the seeds were transferred to a well rinsed paper towel on a plate, covered with cling wrap.

This is awesome. Em I thought you always did this. It’s the only way I do it. And yeah, Azi knows stuff. Lol!
OK... that was crazy. I haven't seen tails like that for a while now... I wonder how long it has been since I did it correctly? I see now why one of the popular seedbanks will not replace seeds unless you use the paper towel method.

Two of the seeds were not viable. That is clear in the paper towel and there is no sense in planting them. The other 8 were definitely viable and needing to be planted.

I mixed up 2 bowls of soil, with 3 solo cups in each. One was FFOF for the bottom half of the containers and the other FFHF for the top of the containers. Each bowl was given 3 tsp of @DYNOMYCO, and it was mixed in thoroughly.

The cups were built with FFOF up to the half way point and then the FFHF mix was filled in to 1 inch from the top. The seedling was put in and then FFHF was filled in on top of it, to 1/2 inch from the top.

This was done for 5 of the 8 plants. 3 of the plants did not get any Dynomyco for our control.

The cups were all given 20 squirts from my sprayer, twice within an hour. Later the cups were carefully watered to runoff so as to get a lot of water in there. Hopefully we will get a better response on this round, and things certainly look to be better already.

Cross your fingers and your toes... Hopefully we will get this thing going very soon.
I was about to send you a picture of a seed catalog for rocket seeds, they won't replace your seeds if you don't do the paper towel method either(it was modified similar to how this is) they claim it's an 80% germ rate. I myself just go for direct sow, I've only done the shot glass method once. I'm glad it all worked out, and you found out your best way again!

I'll cross my fingers, and toes for you as well, Em!
Great job, Em!

And some seeds just take longer so don't give up on them yet. Lower odds probably, but give them a couple more days just to see. Assuming you store your seeds in a cool dark place (like the fidge) they should keep their viability for a good long while.
Great job, Em!

And some seeds just take longer so don't give up on them yet. Lower odds probably, but give them a couple more days just to see. Assuming you store your seeds in a cool dark place (like the fidge) they should keep their viability for a good long while.
They are still sitting there, so we will see. They look pretty dead though. And yes, I keep my seed collection in a sealed mason jar with a large desiccant pack in the lid, and it stays in the back of our fridge.
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