In examining rootballs after the grow I notice that about half way down in the container there is a mass of roots and as compared to other regions in the container, I would estimate that 60% of the roots are in that middle third. So this is where I put my underground caches of both nutrient and dynomyco. Imagine then what the conditions are in that middle third after you have watered to runoff. It will be a "saturation" of soil and water, a sludge... and for microbes, a vast liquid paradise that they are free to roam around in at will. In that environment, don't think of my layer as a fixed object because it is going to merge into the saturation, along with the fact that neither Fungi nor microbes stay in one place. So, if a root happens to come by, they will find it.
Now that I know to do it, I do put Dynomyco in the divot for that helpful push too... but this time I was running low on the product and I didn't have enough to go around. That situation was resolved yesterday.
Between all the heavy breathing, and stoner peanut gallery, there's some real gems in here about horizon soil systems.