Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

Day 27

She heard me saying she was slow to mature... and the next day she does this...
Btw flattend her a bit more


And then i noticed these:

Just subbed and read your entire Journal from the beginning. :goodjob:

I just started my first CoCo grow with Autos. I dropped 6 beans in 7 Gallon pots but only one has popped so far. I'm sucking up a lot of knowledge from all of your grows. I'm definitely going to do LST.
Just subbed and read your entire Journal from the beginning. :goodjob:

I just started my first CoCo grow with Autos. I dropped 6 beans in 7 Gallon pots but only one has popped so far. I'm sucking up a lot of knowledge from all of your grows. I'm definitely going to do LST.

oh and i promise you solemnly ... you will LOVE the coco ... to me its been my best descision i made in growing that and the LED ;)
I like it so far. I think I was being too cautious before trying it. From what I have read I have to just keep an eye out to make sure I add Cal-Mag. I've only grown under LED so I am pretty much sold on it.
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