Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

Day 18

When i stuck my head in the tent i was really happy to find my girl in good shape, she looks really healthy today she even is praying to th sun god.
I like what i see!

she looks a nice lush green ... she pointed herself back to the light with ease ... last night 1h after bend she was already upright again ... there is a wrinkle in one of the leafs but ive seen almost every seedling do that so im not to worried ... maybe the PH is sitting at the bottom threshold ... ill keep watching her and if more leafs get that twisty look ill step in ... heck next watering will be about 5.9 last one was 5.80 and before that she got 5.74 .. .also since i struggle with temps (on average its about 21.5-22°C) i try to make sure a give her lukewarm water so at least the rootball gets some slightly better temps ... i could try to lower the lamp but that scares me to death as when i introduced the LED i bleached the crap out of my NL#5 photo but maybe the timing caused that as it was introduced like in 3rd week of flower...resulting in 17g of buds with at least 4 grams of it being seeds as she also hermied unnoticed on me ( on the plus side i now have 250-300 100% female seeds ;) )
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