Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

just fed her ...should have done that last night but i forgot... 1l of lukewarm water with 1.5ml of cocos A and B (3ml together) and 1 ml of Power Roots ... its a bit richer then last feed as i fear not feeding enough hence the lime colour ... will see how she does after this feed next feed will probably be a plain water one ... Amnesia Haze is known to dislike heavy nutrients ... its a balancing act .

i fed from the outside inwards so the roots have to reach for the water and nutes so i can try and make a nice big healthy root mass ...

pics will follow later ;)

edit: Ph was at 5.84
Day 14

i just noticed the second node has a single bladed leaf against a 3-bladed one on the other side.
I wonder when the leafs will get more Sativa characteristics, right now she has rather broad leafs for a heavy sativa strain but i guess that will change as soon she leaves seedling stage, in at least another 5 days .

as far as i can tell the internodes look great , they will stretch more later on but its nice and short for now ...
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