Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

also i think i am gonna remove an old leaf every few days .... ppl say that its not good cause the leafs provide the sugars and starches for the plant to grow but in my opinion the older leafs slowly have their net energy ( produced - used ) turn negative and in a sense take away more then they produce and its favors light availability for younger more faster leafs

one leaf already was snipped of ...

You got any science on that opinion? You usually have a set of links to go with your thoughts and I'd like to see them.
here you go

it is a study on a different plant species but here i learned that : after 28 days leafs reach peak performance and after that its all down hill

Gas exchange and nutrients.
In I. pes-caprae, the maximum photosynthetic rate increased with leaf age, reaching a maximum in leaves 28 d old and declining thereafter with leaf senescence (Fig. 4A). The effect of leaf ageing on the maximum CO2 assimilation rate (Amax) through leaf lifespan was similar in the two nutrient conditions and values overlap (Fig. 4A). The highest Amax values were recorded in leaves 28 d old in both treatments, and in Ca-limited plants, Amax was only 2% lower than in control plants; its decline with leaf senescence was faster in control plants

this is only applicable science in high nutrient environments and with healthy root systems ... if ye dont have these conditions its better to leave the oldere leaves as plants will use them and suck em dry and they will die anyway after a given time ...
Not sure this applies to cannabis given this sentence on the species they studied:
"This species has a rapid growth and leaf turnover, and there is minimal mutual shading between leaves due to the extended pattern of branch growth, allowing light effects on photosynthetic rate and nutrient content of leaves located at different plant depths in the canopy to be disregarded."

Also, this is heavily weighted to determining leaf growth after transplant vs long term as well as the effect of Ca deprivation. I'm sticking with leave the leaves. If you ever run two together you should treat them identically except for the leave removal technique!
Not sure this applies to cannabis given this sentence on the species they studied:
"This species has a rapid growth and leaf turnover, and there is minimal mutual shading between leaves due to the extended pattern of branch growth, allowing light effects on photosynthetic rate and nutrient content of leaves located at different plant depths in the canopy to be disregarded."

Also, this is heavily weighted to determining leaf growth after transplant vs long term as well as the effect of Ca deprivation. I'm sticking with leave the leaves. If you ever run two together you should treat them identically except for the leave removal technique!

Sooo many factors and combinations of those factors involving growing, one could try a lifetime and could never trial through them all. Alas......i cut an ASSLOAD off mine.....and it seems to be happy. But bc i dont have an identical strain using precisely the same blah. Juju has had light intefuptions/mishaps....temps in low to mid 50s f....drying out to BONE dry a number of times. Ppm all over the place. Humidity.... Etc is about the only thing ive kept about the same. I almost want to start a thread on mistreating your These things are weeds......right....great smoki g weeds.....but weeds. Onetheless. Sorry bout typos. Lazy arse today. Peace yall.

Looking great pt. Shes bout to take off. Have to work on figuring out this grow ant. Its not a plug n go. Its for smart folks. Not country dumb me. Ha!!!!! Later yall.
Day 33

yea the one in the middle was bugging me its now tucked under ... the one to the right stayed as it wasnt blocking any shoots ...

and i dunno but she still expresses heavy indica ... strange for a 80% sativa... she is beginning to smell ... ican tell cause i have a bad cold and i still smell her when i stick my head in the tent ... ;)
when i google for plant pics i kinda see alot of the broad leafs for Amnesia haze so i am not really worried ... but then again it was a freebie discounter seed , probably an unstable knock off of the real deal ... and i have yet to get a positive experience with their brand ... although on this grow so far so good
Check out Neil at perfect sun, he will continue feeding grow formula to his autos to keep them vegging longer. He starts bloom nutes only after pistils appears. It makes for larger autos no doubt.
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