Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

Day 97
6w3d (45) of flower

Took a shot in the dark to highlight the many many fat juicy nugs

Next is one of the lower sidebranches it looks like a maincola


Some random budshots and close ups

She is starting to fade
the more i look at and analyse my girl the more i am getting convinced that i might actually break that magic barrier of 120gr ... i mean ... when i look at the plant then it looks like she is going to be equal or slightly above the volume of buds i got from my previous grow the purple kush auto ... but she is at least twice as dense as opposed to the PK ... the PK yielded 85gr-3Oz

equal volume double density = double weight = 170 multiplied by "the conservative factor" should get above 120 ... or is this logic biased ? she looks amazing bro! You e done a great job as usual man. Hope you get those 4 oz’s bro. You’ve done your part for sure. Just thinking damn.....those blueberries I had, lol, & those I threw away back when we were getting our grows started together would be done by now. I’d have some good amount of smoke + these 2 on the way. Lol

Great job bro! Great day to ya! Go Steelers!!
i just did another aroma test ... aka ... i touched some buds in quick succession to test their density and at the same time acumulate some resin on my fingertips ...

first of .. the buds are rocks ... straight up solid pebbles ... ive been shaking some branches to get a feel of the weight that is packing in the buds and it is promising i can tell you that ...

now for the smell ... since i touched some 4-5 buds it did get a good sniff off the terpenes ... right of the bat you smell some heavy blueberry and as that evaporates a heavy earthy smell pops up that lasted for a while , smelled like moist dirt but with a sweet twist, after that i kinda got a very sweet hash smell but more subtle then the two previous ones ... but as intriguing this all sounds it is the smell that gets in your clothes when hanging around her to much that really gets me salivating it is a weed smell but with some heavy velvety smell to it, i cant really put it to words ... words that come to mind are spice, brown, sweet, very dank, afghanistan, candice sugar caramel, heavy, delicious sweet rhum (Brugal check it out its the best) ;) ...

it is really captivating the dank odor she pumps in the air it actually is the smell that you get from touching it ... but just 15 minutes after that you notice it coming from your hands

its a smell that caries for 10's of meters ... when my wife opened the door to the room by accident i immediately knew when entering the garage .... and thats at least 20m walking distance from where my plant was ... it just REEKS ;)
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