Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

well im laughing cause of the weed ... but i still dont get it hehe ... but its ok ... i know US people look funny at us europeans for mixing herb with tobacco ... its caused because back in the old days there was only Maroccan Hashish available in Europe and the easiest way to smoke hash is in a sigaret with tobacco and that habbit stuck for decades up to this date
well im laughing cause of the weed ... but i still dont get it hehe ... but its ok ... i know US people look funny at us europeans for mixing herb with tobacco ... its caused because back in the old days there was only Maroccan Hashish available in Europe and the easiest way to smoke hash is in a sigaret with tobacco and that habbit stuck for decades up to this date

Interesting.....& nugs looking sweet bro!
Day 94/42
Week 6 of flower complete

Thx my estimate yield has been adjusted upwards to 100 grams (3.5 oz?) i am very conservative but these buds are super dense so they gonna pack some weight , and maybe ... maybe with some chance ill pass my first goal or milestone that i gave myself of 120gr of 1 plant ... thats would be massively amazing even to me ... fingers crossed
today when i came home i immediatly knew, when entering via the garage, that my wife had opened the door to the room with the tent ... i was blasted with a heavy weed stench ... i really need this plant to be dried and jarred by christmass as i have my parents over and the rest of our family ... all sitting one door away from a batch of fresh stinky weed ... im screwed hehe ... to me she looks like another 2 weeks to go the pistils are turning orange very fast now ... 1 week ago she was still almost all white ... one more week and then ill start to check trichs ... i dont like to much ambers btw
Day 95/43

She is plumping up nicely some buds start to foxtail


Holy shit thats 95 days from seed pop? Is it Dutch passion auto Mazar? Bc I am running Dutch passion lime daiquiri and I am so worried she is gonna go for 100 days or more
Holy shit thats 95 days from seed pop? Is it Dutch passion auto Mazar? Bc I am running Dutch passion lime daiquiri and I am so worried she is gonna go for 100 days or more

Yea its dutch passion Blue automazar
Its lucky that mine Goes that long... i believe its the cocos causing it
My autos all ran close to 100 days, from 84 to 114! Plan ahead :)

yea my Blue dream auto from Humboldt seeds ran 85 days in soil
my Purple Kush auto ran 95 days in coco
and this Blue Automazar from DP is already at day 96 in coco and she will run for at least another 10-12 days ...

that reminds me its about time to have a first look at the trichs, i expect them to be 50/50 clear/cloudy ... will let yall know later tonight ;)
I wish I could rush her a bit as i am almost out of flowers and will have to smoke shake for the coming days till shes ready or untill salary comes in heh
btw my baby is really stinky ...the stinkiest i ever grew ... in the room with the tent it is so concentrated that it smells almost green but if the smell gets out of the room she has that very heavy cannabis smell like a velvet blanket but with a twitch its really special ... when i rub the sugarleafs she gives a very heavy berry smell that slowly changes as the terpenes evaporate into what she smells in the air but the twitch is more pronounced ... i cant really lay my finger on what it smells like its very intriguing ... as i never encountered that specific smell before.

it also tells me that the blueberry terpenes are the most volatile and will disappear the fastest and it makes me wonder how i can best preserve the BB terps best during dry and cure, ... any tips will be welcome

this strain is impressing me more every day ... if the taste and high are good this will definately be a keeper !
it also tells me that the blueberry terpenes are the most volatile and will disappear the fastest and it makes me wonder how i can best preserve the BB terps best during dry and cure, ... any tips will be welcome

I can tell you that my blueberry didn't actually smell like blueberry until the cure. And the one dried the standard way smells better than the one dried low and slow, which is supposed to preserve the terpenes. Go figure!
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