Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

With the all-white pistils and the beautiful green leaves I'd say at least 4 weeks.

yea makes sense she has been a slowpoke in anything she did so far ... ah btw she stopped pouting at night it really is a stretch phenomenon ... some older leaves started to die off ... ill pluck them tomorrow and show some pics as it is a perculiar way of dying which may indicate a deficiency ... well see tomorrow ...
Day 81/29


Is her name "pancake?" Cause she be stacking!! Lol. Soooo cheekey!
oh boy ..; what a rush ... ;) i had to cook whilst elevated ... twas a struggle hehe... anyway

i have very little remarks today other then the fact that she is getting really frosty ... if ye look hard ye can start to find some pistils turning beige to brown from the tips creeping down ... last few days i came down with a cold so i cant say much about smell ...

i find it hard to see progress when ye can look at her every second that you feel like watching her ...
oh boy ..; what a rush ... ;) i had to cook whilst elevated ... twas a struggle hehe... anyway

i have very little remarks today other then the fact that she is getting really frosty ... if ye look hard ye can start to find some pistils turning beige to brown from the tips creeping down ... last few days i came down with a cold so i cant say much about smell ...

i find it hard to see progress when ye can look at her every second that you feel like watching her ...

Totally here u on this. I work when there is work for me , & lately there is, so I’m greatful for opportunities. Plus.....I haven’t seen the plants except to water/feed last night. They change a lot when we aren’t looking! Lol. Later man.
oh my ... today temp was struggling as a result humidity spiked and the whole house reeked oh so good ... now i had to get rid of it before the misses came home ... so i decided to do the dishes so the smell of the dishsoap can mask hehe ... it worked and i scored with the misses ;)... it is turning me into a real husband ... the kind that does anything as long as he gets to grow pot muhaha
Im going to leave the cfl on 24/7 now as its chilly outside and the leds can only raise the temps to 23°C with the cfl it will top out at about 25.5°C
The humidity should drop a bit this way as well ... now she was at 57% and that made her stink up the whole place like crazy
Tonight shell get fed with 4ml/l cocos B only (1-5-4) with 1ml/l greensensation bloombooster (0-10-9) ... she will get the usual 2 liters that will produce a bit of runoff but the cocos will absorb it completely ... at first i didnt like that but she seems to not matter as she stayed healthy the entire grow up until the flush where she was going Ntoxic
I think to feed her for another 10days and then switch to plain phed water for the remaining time she has left ...

the plant still looks happy so ...steady as she goes ...

if anyone has any remarks or questions please dont hold back and post them ... i will answer all ;)

Ive been thinking shall I order some Jack Herer auto seeds or grow the Amnesia Haze Automatic freebie seed next as planned ?
just fed her temps are great at 25°C and humidity was at 49% and it fixed the smell problem to something controlable ...

now ive been rubbing some sugarleafs so i can smell and feel the resin and ladies and gentlemen i am so stoked after i smelled that ... it smelled like sweet blueberries straight up how shall i describe it better they smell like fresh, juicy supersweet blueberries taste ... in the beginning she had a more piney lemony smell but that changed since i last had a rub i think about 5-6 days ago ... she even smells more blueberry then my Blue Dream auto did.
the seedbanks suggested that these seeds came in mainly 2 distinct aroma phenos being BB dominant and mazar dominant
all i hope now is that i can preserve that smell when curing ...

on a side note the smell she gives off to the air is in no ways even close to what the resin smells like, the ambient aroma is more like super super dank weedodor, a smell that reminds me of Superskunk i smoked in the early nineties, its just such a heavy stench that it permeates your clothes and you keep smelling it long after you walked away from the grow ...

i hope i can keep the smell to a minimum as i still have no carbon filter ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
3 weeks to go and you're going to stop feeding her 11 days before you expect to take her down? Why starve her when she's working the hardest to produce for you? I mean if you're a "flush" guy I can see 3 days, but 11?

ok ...that makes sence ... see thats why this forum is so great ... you probably saved me several grams of dry product ...
Im going to leave the cfl on 24/7 now as its chilly outside and the leds can only raise the temps to 23°C with the cfl it will top out at about 25.5°C
The humidity should drop a bit this way as well ... now she was at 57% and that made her stink up the whole place like crazy
Tonight shell get fed with 4ml/l cocos B only (1-5-4) with 1ml/l greensensation bloombooster (0-10-9) ... she will get the usual 2 liters that will produce a bit of runoff but the cocos will absorb it completely ... at first i didnt like that but she seems to not matter as she stayed healthy the entire grow up until the flush where she was going Ntoxic
I think to feed her for another 10days and then switch to plain phed water for the remaining time she has left ...

the plant still looks happy so ...steady as she goes ...

if anyone has any remarks or questions please dont hold back and post them ... i will answer all ;)

Ive been thinking shall I order some Jack Herer auto seeds or grow the Amnesia Haze Automatic freebie seed next as planned ?

Amnesia my man.
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