Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

overall she looks in great shape only i still have the older and lower leafs look abit light on N ... or is it a penetration problem ??? i dont think so ... so tonight she is gonna be fed 2.5ml/l cocos A+B and 1ml/l bloombooster

oh and it seems she is starting to think about making trichs ... maybe ...
there are some leafs with spots or dead spots but nothing that worries me ... no signs of critters and beside the slight N def she looks happy
Day 67/15


For feck sakes man....that things going NUTS. Lol. I can't wait to see my bb's stretch like that. She's looking phenomenal my man!! I'd say mine are about 3-5 days from pistils. Maybe stretching soon I hope!:thumb:
For feck sakes man....that things going NUTS. Lol. I can’t wait to see my bb’s stretch like that. She’s looking phenomenal my man!! I’d say mine are about 3-5 days from pistils. Maybe stretching soon I hope!:thumb:

if by nuts you mean coconuts then hell yeah ... i blame the coco ... ever since i started using cocos i been getting monsters and i think this one is gonna be the mother of all monsters i mean ... when i look at the number of pistils she has on the terminal buds that gives an idea of the number of calyx she grows now try to imagine them all to swell to the size of lets say a beebee pelet ... ;)
hehe soil 6.3 coco 5.8 hydro 5.5

soil holds microbes that break nutes down to absorbable ions they thrive at 6.3
hydro and cocos are sterile so you have to lower ph so the nutrients are directly absorbable by the roots
thast why bio nutes are not working well in hydro or semihydro (coco) cause they are made from unabsorbable nutrients ( they need a break down by miccorhyza aka bacteria ...
hehe soil 6.3 coco 5.8 hydro 5.5

soil holds microbes that break nutes down to absorbable ions they thrive at 6.3
hydro and cocos are sterile so you have to lower ph so the nutrients are directly absorbable by the roots
thast why bio nutes are not working well in hydro or semihydro (coco) cause they are made from unabsorbable nutrients ( they need a break down by miccorhyza aka bacteria ...

Excellent explanation! :thanks:
infact about you suggesting a calmag issue i must formally decline that theory as my purpling of the stems is better ever since i gave higher doses of base nutes ... but i am absolutely terrified to get salt build up and mess up the plant having to flush her and what not ...
Purpling can also be from other things. What do you feel is causing the yellowing? The way it's leaving the center green is not the natural process so something is up.

I also don't know about coco in depth but 5.8 is sooooooo low lol (I do soil so I get it)
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