Pterostychus: The Never Ending Story, Now Jack Herer

dont you mean N and Mg ??? there is no calcium problem ... not with my tapwater lol
Yes I did mean Mg lol my brain is spacey from this oil lol
and the reason why i doubt that it is Mg is because the purpling of my stems has been diminishing as in recovering ...
I just found this on another forum.
You may be running too low of a pH and locking it out;

"Hydro and Soil less Mediums

Magnesium gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-5.7
Magnesium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.8-9.1
(Wouldn't recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Magnesium deficiency."
Day 69/17

Day 69/17


Looking good bro. That plant has gone nuts. Still waiting for mine to start stretching. Haven’t researched my B.B. strain info, so maybe as u say, indica com., may stay a shorty. Early mis was indica don, & my best plants were like yours. ???? Who knows...who Long as it smells, tastes & smokes good, I’m happy camper.
the N def is getting better from the base of the leaf towards the tips of the blades ... she was just hungry it seems ... tonight she'll get 2.5ml/l cocos A+B and 1ml/l bloombooster

she still pouts terribly in the evening scary when i have a peek just before lights off and she is droopy as hell ... ill try to get a pic tonight ... never seen it this bad on a plant i grew ....

i noticed also finally trichs are forming
Pouty face


Dayummm. Wtf?? Looks like mine bro. I’m starting to think it’s I do remember my early miss def pouts at night especially at lights out. Demonic angel told me that it’s no biggie, here did too. Holy crap, you don’t want to know what she got off her em auto. 8 or 9 oz. crazy right?? True story. Don’t know where she went but was great at growing & helping. :thumb:

Oh, and I’m sure you’ll have a perky girl in the am.
Dayummm. Wtf?? Looks like mine bro. I’m starting to think it’s I do remember my early miss def pouts at night especially at lights out. Demonic angel told me that it’s no biggie, here did too. Holy crap, you don’t want to know what she got off her em auto. 8 or 9 oz. crazy right?? True story. Don’t know where she went but was great at growing & helping. :thumb:

Oh, and I’m sure you’ll have a perky girl in the am.

8-9 Oz ... umm ... that would be awesome hehe but i dont expect it to be ... i will be extatic with 5 and happy with anything above 3 ...

and she did perk up hehe as she always does ... just it looks so bad when ye walk in the tent and see her sob like that
8-9 Oz ... umm ... that would be awesome hehe but i dont expect it to be ... i will be extatic with 5 and happy with anything above 3 ...

and she did perk up hehe as she always does ... just it looks so bad when ye walk in the tent and see her sob like that

I hear ya friend. On all accounts.
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