Psychoactive Mushrooms & Cacti Discussion

Got mine from two different types of dollar stores. The one place had nearly 100 bottles of 50% on hand and the other only had the 2 bottles of 91% in the whole store. Every grocery store, drug store, or Walmart in my neighborhood is sold out. This should last me for a bit but I'll need more coir so I'll check the grow shop when I go in next time.
So here is my "cooler" TEK using a modified Damion5050/BODs Easy AF Bucket TEK. It is modified because I use gypsum like a lot of other people. The amounts of the following ingredients will be enough for a large monotub.
  • 650 grams coco coir (I use Canna brand)
  • 2 quarts vermiculite
  • 1 cup gypsum
  • 5 quarts boiling water
  • bucket with a lid or cooler
I went a grabbed my trusty cooler from the garage and gave it a good scrubbing, inside and out, in the shower with hot water and Dawn. I dried it off and then sprayed the inside down with my concoction of 77% iso. I weighed out my coir, measured my verm and gypsum, and added them to the cooler. I boiled the water, poured it over the coir to hydrate it, and closed the lid. Now I just let it sit overnight and mix it the next day before testing field capacity and using it. Other people will wait an hour after adding the water and will mix it before leaving it overnight. I'm the more put it off until the next day type. If you notice your mix is a little dry when checking field capacity add more boiling water and carefully mix, letting it sit for an hour to hydrate before checking again.

Now the photos to accompany all the writing.

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I had to suck it up and pay 12 something on Amazon for two 32 oz bottles of 70%. Really only maybe 3 times the price at most so I didnt get screwed too bad.. there were bottles that were 5-6 times the normal price. Glad you found your iso concoction cheap lol.

Thanks so much for posting the bucket TEK you use to make substrate. This all is helping me a ton, I feel really confident about starting my bags and feeling better about the rest of the process.

I think I'll skip making my own syringes out of the Golden Teacher print this time and use the ones I bought. It seems it would increase my chances of success. I'll remember to just go ahead and put some tape over the injection site.. ill probably use electrical tape, should give a tight seal.
Enjoy your ride PW.. the blue meanies are a bit more relaxed I think. Probably just less potent.. I've had 3.7 grams I chewed up and drank with water and 2.5 grams I grinded up and mixed with orange juice. Both doses of those had very similar effects, the grind up with orange juice felt like a smoother ride though. Both of those doses were a little stronger than the 1.6 grams of Golden Teachers but not by much.

5 grams of the Amazons really surprised me.. the high was a bit different and affected my emotions more. At first I thought I was gonna die lol then I was freaking out a bit at times then would sorta forget what I was thinking about and start laughing. I was also having some strong visuals. The flower tile in my bathroom was super 3D and popping off the walls and moving around it was really neat. I have a black light and a couple posters that are really cool to look at as well!
Are you eating them on an empty stomach? I kinda had that on and off feeling when I chewed them up and drank with water and had a bit of food first.. try grinding them up into powder and drink with OJ on an empty stomach sometime. Didnt have the on and off feeling then.. was a much smoother ride.
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