ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Hey 420! There's been no arrivals since the Blackberry OG earlier this morning. We have 6 above soil and 4 still to go. Earlier when I said I had a special treasure map key I was lying! Instead I have this dark pic which roughly shows were each strain is. The pic is dark but you can see the text lol....

Some of the seeds have moved slightly from where they were planted though. I think this happened when I watered and lifted the pot. Things will be ok as long as I don't rotate the pot....

Hopefully the others will be here soon....
The Crystal Meth is still indoors as it's still cloudy and wet outside. I have a feeling that this one will probably move around a lot. I did think about putting her in the ground but that means she's stuck there then and that might not be beneficial to me. She looks ok though and is just being fed with plain tap water at the moment. Low nutrients will begin in a few days....

The mother candidates are all coming on nicely except for the Purple Trainwreck. She received some serious transplant shock and went completely limp. Her leaves started to die rapidly and within a few hours looked like they were drying up. I didn't get a pic of her earlier when I saw her this morning but I removed her from the direct light and out her on the floor for most of the day. I've since put her back in her original place after she began to show signs of recovery. She went so limp and was hanging over the side of the pot. Now she's back upright and has a bit of life to her again. The others are all growing well still and have a little while left before we have to worry about cloning or flowering them....

Purple Trainwreck....

Pineapple Express....

Purple Moby Dick....

Fat Purple....
Now where do I begin. It's been a crazy day today and after a long and hard day at work I was looking forward to coming home and spending some time with the family and after that check out what was happening in the garden. No more seedlings have arrived. Now it is at this point where I start getting that itchy feeling and decide to investigate. I used a little stick to,scrape back the earth where I thought that the last seeds were buried. I found that the Chocolopez had somehow decapitated herself whilst pushing up through the dirt. Her stem had continued to push up and had grown above where I found her seed case with the cotyledons still inside. The Fruit Slap, Lemon OG Kush and Fruity Chronic Juice were all either duds, damaged by myself due to not keeping seeds stored correctly or were taking their sweet time. Whatever the weather they're not part of the grow anymore. My grows are becoming more and more dynamic lol. However! As some of you probably know by now I don't take failure lightly and always try to make up for it some how. So. Here is what I have done....

I did some transplanting and moved Penny's Purple Haze and the Orka from the centre to the outer edge of the pot. That left me with some space and no time to be messing around with germinating or cloning anything to go in the gap....

I decided to remove the Purple Moby Dick from the mother hunt and add her to the centre of the pot to make up for the empty space....

The PH and Orka in their new positions....

The New grow! 7 plants not 10. I did try....

Lastly I realise that both HH and VG's choices didn't make it so what I've done to make up for this farce I've dropped a bean for each of you. My last 2 seeds which aren't Barneys strains! That's it. I'm out! They're both the same strain so there'll no fighting lol. The beans are both Black Kush from Cali Connections which I grew one of back in my first journal on 420....

Here you are!....
Aww, I hope we don’t let you down! I’m a kush girl, so I totally approve of our new seeds! :love: Lol, get ready, VG & HH bout to bust the roof off ya tent!! :laughtwo:
Lol. I'm not sure if I should refer to them as VG and HH, things could get confusing and hilarious. Question is, what should we do with them? Let's get them out of these seeds first :)
Lol. I'm not sure if I should refer to them as VG and HH, things could get confusing and hilarious. Question is, what should we do with them? Let's get them out of these seeds first :)
Do it!!! You know you wanna. VG is gonna be just a bit off...... like me!
Hey 420. The 7 plants are just getting settled in and are awaiting flower. They're getting on just fine at the moment and look quite good next to each other. I think I'll top the Purple Moby Dick as she has a considerable advantage at this stage. She will have 4 main stems if I top her now. The Purple Haze and the Orka both survived the transplant and don't seem to have slowed up at all. Now that we actually have some seedlings in the pot I'm quite enjoying this. If it all goes well then I'll probably try it again. If not then I'll distance myself and call it fake news....

Blue OG....

Glueberry OG....

Blackberry OG....

Purple Haze....

Northern Lights x Big Bud....


Purple Moby Dick....

These pics are actually from last night. My parental narcolepsy kicked in again and I didn't get shit done lol. I'll do some more pics later on today as they look a bit bigger today. I've never flowered this early before and it feels kinda weird. I'm looking at putting them into flower on Monday so they'll have had a week or so headstart.
Well after some time in the pots I had started to worry that I'd had yet another failure with germination and I was going to have to make it up to you again. How was I going to do that?! Grow a plant in a toilet? Underwater? With custard and iron filings?! Luckily for me when I returned home from work I was greeted by these 2....

There's you go. HH and VG have been birthed!
It's officially flowering Day 1 for the multi strain single pot grow. There's no turning back now. I topped the Purple Moby Dick so she shouldn't shoot up away from the rest now. Now we just sit back and hope for the best....
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