ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

I'd check out BTzGrow. He's running MC in hempy.
Thanks. I'll go check it out.
Hey 420! Got some more swell pics of swollen buds for you all. We are out of nutrients but near the end. Plain waterings from here on out but it's not technically flushing as these don't get any runoff. What goes in the pot stays in the pot and it's worked quite well I think. The leaves on all are still for the most part a healthy green though there is some fade coming in on the IP and there's some tip burn on all. Other than that they look nice. Cheese N'Chong has some lovely purple coming through on the tips of the buds which catches my eye when I open the tent....
Hey 420! It's just going to be an unlabelled pic bomb today I'm afraid. I'm looking to be pulling these in about a week or so a short I will be needing the space for my Phantom OG. I don't want these 3 to have too much amber this time around as it doesn't look like I'll be allowed a good nights sleep for some time. Some more balanced affects would be more appreciated at the moment. There's very little that can go wrong at this stage but there are still a few things which could spoil the grow. Bud rot being one of them but I can't see any reason for that as the environment is good. I've noticed some sugar leaves on the Cheese N'Chong staring to turn a bit yellow which I'm watching like a hawk but I think that we are good. All I'm doing now is waiting for the appropriate amount of amber then I'll consider the harvest. Hope everyone is having a great weekend....
Hey 420! Today I've put the 4500k led back into this tent as I've decided not to use it In the other tent during this round of flowering plants. I'm not actually using it on these and am only using it for better pics. I may use it for the Phantom OG alongside the 2 x 200w units that I've used to flower these plants. It does make for some comfortable looking pics....
Some beautiful looking buds here Prof!! :love:
Just be careful not to take em too early, sleep deprivation + anxiety buds = :eek:
I’m sure you know what you’re up to in there, just throwing in my unsolicited 2¢ (USD). ;)
Some beautiful looking buds here Prof!! :love:
Just be careful not to take em too early, sleep deprivation + anxiety buds = :eek:
I’m sure you know what you’re up to in there, just throwing in my unsolicited 2¢ (USD). ;)
Thank you HH! I think that we're in the mostly cloudy range. There's still a few clear knocking about which I'd like to see mature and I'd also like to see a few more amber on all. The IP has almost no clear but I can't find many ambers either. I'll probably make an informed decision next Saturday which will give them a little more time to mature. The Cheese N'Chong is a sativa so she'll be my daytime smoke after a cure. The other 2 are more indica leaning. Chocolate Mint OG has some good relaxing effects and I kind of know what to expect with her but she may be different to the 3 I grew before. The Island Punch I grew before is diffferent to this one so I'm not sure what to expect but if I had to guess I'd say she's going to be a sleepy strain. You're right though. I don't want any racy anxiety bud lol
Hey 420! Looks like these 3 may be coming down on Saturday or Sunday. I really need the space now for the Phantom OG which is growing like crazy. The trichs are looking pretty good and I can see some ambers coming in now so we are on course. They've really slowed on the drinking now and I'm not sure that they'll even get another watering before they're pulled from the tent....

Chocolate Mint OG....

Island Punch....

Cheese N'Chong....
Thanks HH! Soon I'll do the possibly final update before they're chopped on Saturday. This journal is nearly complete! I really need the space for the POG but more on that later over on the Barneys thread :)
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