PotChimp's Side Projects

I'm serious I'm broke as Hell from that yearly venture I keep worrying about my future then my common sense catches up to me and I realize I can't afford a future to worry about I'll just have to stay this age I guess. :(

I'm too poor and too old to pay taxes, but I'm with you on the aging thing. I started a fitness program about three years back, low stress, no impact. I've been growing younger ever since. :laughtwo: Not afraid to grow old, just didn't want to go through my "senior years" :rofl: as a bent, scuffling woman. So yeah, stay where you are. The growing keeps you young, don't you think?
It keeps me busy I know that :)
You should consider claiming Mama Thai as a dependent, Weaselcracker. You provided more than six months of support just don't mention you did it with bamboo stakes! :reading420magazine:

:rofl: I won't tell if you won't. LOL!
I keep doctoring the figures up until they're somewhat acceptable (or at least semi-believable) :shhh: then turn around and bitch about the potholes in the road they can't afford to fix because of chimps like me! :battingeyelashes:

This SLH x Blueberry again:


It should be getting those long calyxes soon. :)
Always a pleasure watching this room... and others

PS cool thought that would make a great signature quote

"We're getting old together and growing pot together but it doesn't get old growing pot together funny how that works" -- PotChimp
Thanks Buckshot. Here's a blurred pic of a few odds and ends I have in one grow tent. Most of this is my 818 Headband x GDP grow, but the plant in the upper right corner is a Hippie Killer plant, and the one in the middle is the mystery seed. :)


Next Ak47 to chop:


Last Ak47 plant I have (I'm going to watch this one, and if it doesn't show signs of tobacco mosaic virus I can reveg it):


Last 1024 plant:

Nice :roorrip:
It's Mr Thai Stick, and his brother Mr Thai stick2, who I would really like to see some money for. They just hung around eating and drinking for months, for free. One still is actually - though I picked most of his limbs off. If Donald Duck is elected US president he has promised to abolish taxes, I heard. And then we will be happy.
Would you mind posting a few more pics of that so called TMV? I've seen something similar as of a few months ago. But it's just shown up on a few leaves and didn't seem to go anywhere. So how can it be much problem ? (I wonder ).
And excuse me for asking but is the SLH Blueberry a clone- like we can expect the same sort of long fingered sort of look you had last time? That thing was interesting.
Thank you thank you and as Donald Duck's newly appointed running mate I'd like to address the issues :) First the TMV problem. For one thing, Tobacco Mosaic Virus affects the yield (and it can spread to other plants by contact). I'm doing breeding here, so I need to get it out of my grows to make sure it doesn't affect all of my plants. Now similar to this condition, my C4DD grow gets leaves that have color like that but it's supposed to be normal (and the leaves aren't curled like these ones):


The Lord works in mysterious ways; one of the reasons I decided not to add Him to my list of dependents this year :tokin: While I was looking at the Medical Seeds 1024 plant the TMV is on I noticed how bad the whiteflies are getting to it. I think I'm going to chop it tomorrow after I harvest my next GDP and this Ak47 too (the plant that gifted it with the whiteflies):


The mystery seed:


I'll put this Hippie Killer clone in where the 1024 was after I clean the unit out:


That SLH x Blueberry is a clone from the exact plant you're describing I expect to see the calyxes start any time now. :thumb:
Hmmm... Well maybe when I next get a chance I'll take a photo of what I am talking about and post it here if you don't mind. I saw it on a blueberry a few months ago- then on a Malawi or two more recently. But since it's just a few leaves, I would expect it to have to spread- or do something more spectacular than just curl a couple leaves- to be considered an actual problem, I hope/wish.
Yes, google... I'm not there yet
... and whiteflies, too ... ? :straightface:


Spinosad works best on 'em ...
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