PotChimp's Side Projects

I have been thinking about the whole ball busting laws thing. While I agree that total legalization is the way I also believe moving forward at this point requires "progressive" :cheesygrinsmiley: steps. Working within the local laws check this out... I want the next step... we are almost there

That's cool as Hell gives some good ideas too :)
Another unexpected surprise, but this one was a good one; small Exodus Cheese clone chop:


I thought it was gonna go a little longer:


Not much there..... :straightface:


A half oh-zee, maybe.
This SLH x Blueberry reveg was dry enough for the jar this morning, and after 2 fat doobs it still came in at 1.05 oh-zees:


Material for my next oil extraction (after I collect the seeds from two seed mothers and add the weed from that to it):

Loving that little cheese. Hopefully it is going to be a case of quality over quantity.

I'm hoping it'll be both soon :) Here's the next two clones of it coming up (that last one was a backup clone that didn't do well but I didn't cull it either). Exodus Cheese:


I'll be taking a clone from that second one soon (I thought I took one before bloom but realized I didn't a few days ago), and putting it into reveg after the chop.
Sorry to disappoint everybody but I read up on the issue in our state and I'm going to have to vote no and not just stand idle. I will not vote for stricter prosecution of those who don't work for the corporation not all people are greedy brickweed dealers some are just trying to help friends who are actually sick and can't afford weed dispensary price gouging. The devil was in the details; I knew it.
Sorry to disappoint everybody but I read up on the issue in our state and I'm going to have to vote no and not just stand idle. I will not vote for stricter prosecution of those who don't work for the corporation not all people are greedy brickweed dealers some are just trying to help friends who are actually sick and can't afford weed dispensary price gouging. The devil was in the details; I knew it.

Well that sucks, I support your decision... because it is right
Thanks. :) You know, sadly I don't keep track of anything about clones except when I put them into flower. I think they're at least a month old.

Remember that plant I grew that looked like it was giving me the finger? That's her sister :) Here's a clone of her (I'll get a pic up of a nug from that same reveg in a minute or two I'm smoking some of it right now):


I'll be chopping the purple one today.

OMG Pot Chimp, this may be the most beautiful plant I've seen in ages. I absolutely love foxtailing and you let yours go longer than just about anyone else. I could just hug you. :love:
I share your frustration. It appears that the opposition has found some very sneaky ways to screw up this process towards freedom. It became obvious early on that what's in the works nationally, state-by-state, won't impact what most people have to deal with. How sad that we, as a society, can't see clearly enough to eliminate the black market from the formula. In order to do that greed has to take a back seat.

We've lived long enough to view that statement with the sense of reality it deserves. We're going to be stealthy growers until we die.
Let me reword part of an old Black Sabbath song to express my true feelings. :)

Yes I know the secret
That's within your mind
You think all the people
Who vote for this are blind
You're just like Big Brother
Lie to gain our trust
And when you have earned enough
You'll crush all our lives
Into the dust
Into the dust

Ain't I just a ray of sunshine? :battingeyelashes:
Sadly, I think it'll pass..... :straightface:
Not being orderly, getting greedy :(
The two pots in the middle and on the right are taking forever to dry out enough:


Pineapple Express:




The plant to the left was my Ak47. Here's another tent:


I overfed the two Exodus Cheese plants in the front. Only 2-3 weeks left I thought about it and looked at how small the yield was gonna be:


The one GDP on the right in the back is the one that's been revegged, flowered out, revegged again, and flowered out this time after clones were taken man it's spent:


Here's one of those GDP clones. I put two of them in a 50/50 mix of SSM#4 Advanced/Happy Frog; this one I put into flower and I'll just water both until I see the need for nutes, then I'll feed if necessary:


Gotta start keeping records so I know what I did to what and when I did it..... :straightface:
I understand the feeling I think because I'm seeing glimpses of the same bullshit cropping up all over. It's weird, I assumed that any form of legalization would be a step forward, but it's not, at all.
I guess because it takes a step in a horrible new direction of greed and control, in the name of 'moving forward'. An attempt to snatch away your dreams of real freedom, take everything for themselves, give you slap on the face, and a pat on the back at the same time. No thanks.
That's what I say :thumb:
The last thing I need is somebody paid by the corporation following me home from the hydro shop and causing problems in order to eliminate the competition when I'm just growing for myself. Word is that the attorneys are going to pounce on it like I did the bowl of Halloween candy on the kitchen table after smoking all these blunts if it passes. Hopefully it won't. Well, I gotta go jar up some more dope. Then go get more Halloween candy..... :(
Super Lemon Haze x DJ Short's Blueberry (purple pheno) - total after one regular sized blunt (just finished smoking it) and one fat doob (smoked it yesterday to see if it was dry enough to jar up yet), .9 oh-zees:


small Exodus Cheese clone, grown under a 200 watt CFL - total dry weight, .5 of an oh-zee:


Next up on the chopping block is the last SLH x Blueberry (non-purple pheno) above with the long calyxes. Dang, I had to cut the top cola of it off last night (a 1/2" round spot of grey mold at the bottom of it buried in between the buds). I'll probably put it in the dark tonight and chop it tomorrow or Monday. My Zamal Reunion is 14 weeks into bloom and still almost all white hairs it's pretty big, but I think a Pineapple Express grown under the same CFL as that EC above is going before it, and maybe two more small clones too! :lot-o-toke:
Which attorneys will pounce? The 'good' attorneys? (Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!) or the other ones? Not that they're that easy to tell apart...
Fishing for a ray of hope.
Sadly, I think it'll pass..... :straightface:

So, plan to get thee on the fucking bandwagon. When the band starts to play well the folks will start dancing
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