PotChimp's Side Projects

Thanks here's a pic of a Purple Maroc reveg I'm going to take a bunch of clones from and do a small grow under a T5 setup:


It finally went into veg after a long fight :)
Notes: I'm going to take a GDP clone from that reveg in a day or two and leave the rest of what grew out living; I might reveg it all the way and put it back into flower.
The Blue Dream clone I made the homemade bubbler for isn't doing that well. I'll check it again this morning, but it's probably wilted still and I'll have to plant it in soil. I've got 2 small clones of it so I'm covered, and another clone in flower.
I think I'm gonna flatten that Purple Maroc reveg out when it gets a little bigger (it's growing fast) and flower it out under my T5 setup :) That unit's going to be setting idle for about 8 weeks, so why not use the space? I'm starting and doing most of my Thai Stick/Super Critical Jack grow in the same unit (one of my 250/400 watt units), hoping to get it under my 600 watt HPS around halfway through flower.
The next full grow I'm going to be following that with is (6) regular Rafael and (6) regular ACDC seeds, a MYdeeExx (hopefully), and the goal of breeding out a high CBD/low THC strain, using modern technology to help me determine my selections. :thumb:
Can't wait 'til Spring I must be getting cabin fever :straightface:
I had this dream that the world was going to blow up and the rich people knew it but didn't tell us po' chimps they built a big space ship in the Grand Canyon I knew it was gonna blow up too so I climbed a mountain to get away for some stupid reason but before I could get to the top the space ship taking off broke the mountain I was climbing I woke up right then and said eff this I'm gonna daydream the rest of this instead of continuing my morning in a depressed mood as the mountain exploded I make one final jump and just make it to the top looking behind me I see the space ship is going to pass right by the mountain top so I time my final jump just right (remember Brooce Williss in Die Hard where he tied the fire hose around his waist and jumped from the building top? That's me) leap towards the rising space ship and in midair I pull my pants down in the full moon position :) spin around aiming my a$$ at the windshield the rich people are in the space ship drinking champagne saying "Yay yippee we left the poor to die!" the pilot says "What's that? Look out!!!!!" the last thing they see is my a$$ coming at them at terminal velocity SMASH! sound of the winshield breaking PFTTTTT!!!!! sound of my a$$hole hitting the pilot in the nose and the back of my sakk hitting him in the lips perfect bullseye the rich people yell "No!!!!!" the space ship spirals out of control crashes to the exploding Earth and mankind gets took off the food chain courtesy of the chimp! :allgood:

chimp sack smack... you can't un read that.
And me, noticing you got a frosty nug laying there making myself a little more noticeable hoping that you'll smoke it with me

Any Day!!!
Notes: That Purple Maroc reveg is getting big and needs to be LST'ed, then put into flower. I'll do it when I clone the GDP reveg in two days. The Blue Dream clones I put into soil are growing weakly but they're alive, and the one I made a homemade bubbler for isn't doing good at all :( I'll put that cutting in soil if it doesn't take soon.
The White S1 plant is big but not showing much at all yet; it hasn't been in flower that long, though. I'll get pics up as soon as I can.
I took two cuttings from the GDP reveg on the left yesterday. I'm going to take a bigger cutting soon and when I have a growing clone I'll put the rest of the reveg into flower. I'll take three cuttings from the Purple Maroc reveg on the right, SCROG it down, and put it into flower also:

Correct me if I'm wrong Chimp, but it looks like you're running more plants, and they're looking better than usual ... no?

you can do eeet :cheesygrinsmiley:
I took me a White S1, Purple Maroc, and 3 GDP clones today. I've got a GDP clone in a homemade bubbler, another one in soilless mix, 3 Blue Dream clones (not sure if I'm gonna keep them; nice yield, good sized hard nugs, but not super potent), and a very weak Chemdawg D BX 3 clone. I revegged a CDDBX3 today to back it up and still have a lot of the GDP reveg to work with. Just wanted to put this info down in case I needed to see when all these all started. Post more pics soon.
Hey Chimp!

Man your gardens look great!, even the budding ladies are looking great! ... but what kills me is that re-veg! Dang!!
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