PotChimp's Side Projects

OG Raskal - White S1 clone:


I'll take a clone from it soon and when the clone starts growing, this plant will be big enough to squeeze into a flowering unit :)

That stubborn a$$ Purple Maroc clone/reveg, running at 24/0 and still fighting me on the subject of reincarnation ;)

Okay time to get my head together and put this down in my notes :)
Within the week the crosses grow I'm doing should show their sex. A GDP male and female will be going into unit 1 (I'm going to pollinate a single branch of one of the 818 Headband x GDP females in the other unit instead of putting a whole plant in with these). At this point everything I have is going to shift, and that's where I need to put this so I can go back to it for a few days until I wrap my head around it all :straightface:

Unit 1 (125 watt red CFL; 12/12) - GDP male and female
Unit 2 (96 watt blue T5; 18/6) - assorted clones and revegs
Unit 3 (200 watt blue CFL) - 6 free seed plants, now 2 weeks and 4 days old
Unit 4 (250 watt MH/HPS; 18/6) - 6 Skunk #1 autos with around 2-4 weeks left
Unit 5 (250 watt MH/HPS; 18/6) - 6 plants from my retribution grow
Unit 6 (600 watt HPS; 12/12) - all the remaining females from my crosses grow, the 818 Headband clone above, a Chemdawg D BX 3 clone, and a Blue Dream clone

It looks like the Skunk #1 autos will clear unit 4 within a month, so I should get my next grow going before I start my Summer Sativa grows. I need to see what I've done as far as my breeding project goes, so what I'm going to do is this:

Serious Seeds - AK47; (3) regular seeds
(the company I'm not) - Chemdawg D BX 3 (PotChimp cut) a.k.a. Fugginshruntal Cortex; (3) regular seeds :thumb:

I'm only keeping the females of this grow. If I don't like my breeding results, I want to backcross to a mother I like (and will have a clone of by then). I'll do another round of it and go generation 6 with it. Post more pics soon.
Got me two big hash pucks and a full small jar of kief out of the deal :thumb: I'll post pics of it when I get a chance; this $hit is turning into a second job. One I like, though. Here's the GDP reveg I pulled off by the hair of my a$$; there's a few places on the plant that are green, so I'll trim a lot of this off soon but not all of it:


I'm putting this Blue Dream reveg in flower soon:


I gotta go and feed some plants then chop one too post more pics soon.
Notes: I figured I'd get 5 or 6 females in a regular seed grow I'm doing, but got 9. I got this Blue Dream clone/reveg I have to put in with them, there's 2 plants in the unit already, and a White S1 clone I have is going to be big enough shortly after all this. 2 of the 9 females in the reg seed grow are in a breeding unit, so with the remaining 7, the 2 in there now, and the 2 clones that are ready to flower, that'll be 11 plants in a 3' x 3' tent :straightface: I can't put them in the other units unless I get a new bigger tent (which I have to do anyway), because 2 of the other units will be flowering 6 fem plants and the other unit will have 4 regular plants and 2 fem plants. The only units I'll have left will have 6 plants in veg and the other a few clones. So I gotta get a new tent I guess.
Chimp note: seegar of the year #4 - first inch of it is dry, it smokes okay up to about halfway, then it starts building up strength pull after pull man ever see that cartoon I can't remember if it was Pop Aye or El-murr Fud he was smoking on a cigar got all dizzy his head turned green? That's me right now :) Dang this thing's got some serious hair on its a$$ but it tastes like I'm smokin' fish cake's thong..... :cough:
Sorry PC

I know I suck following journals but there are a couple I try to stay current with. Looks like I have missed a lot. Damn your plants look fine. It reminds me how much I am sucking wind.

I tried to give reps... it told me no, cause I suck :straightface:
You don't have to apologize Buckshot as much as I have going on with my second full time job (a.k.a. this stuff) I'm lucky to get on all these killer threads and give a few likes here and there. It's not a lack of interest on anyone's part we all know that about each other :)
I think most of my plants are going to come okay this time but we'll see about halfway through flowering. I've got a few clones I have to take so I'll get pics up again soon.
Hey PC

Just checking your journals... well some of them, damn chimp you got a lot a journals! beautiful plants!!! WOW
I'm a chimp obsessed Buckshot. I mentioned before about the male GDP that fathered that plant in the last pic now I have a grouping of plants with that same father I'm looking forward to seeing them flower out :)

It is good to see you "smile"
I got this GDP reveg going well enough so that I can take a clone and leave some of the greenage growing. If the clone doesn't take, I'll have what's left to either take another clone from or veg out and put into flower again:


This Purple Maroc finally started growing again :) I'm gonna take some clones and put them into flower almost immediately since my T5 unit is going to be vacant for a few months:


I'm putting these in the dark for chop today. I know I didn't take good care of them and I ran them too long, but I just don't like autos (Sensi Seeds - Skunk #1 auto):


And I need to put these 6 freebie plants in here anyway (after looking at these recover, I think GO nutes are going to be a fav of mine):


Second generation GDP father:


The second generation GDP mother is behind this 818GDP cross other mother :) which I'm going to top, because it's going to run into the light bulb if I don't:


My retribution grow, tossed into a new tent but not sorted out yet:


And me, noticing you got a frosty nug laying there making myself a little more noticeable hoping that you'll smoke it with me:


Can't wait 'til Spring I must be getting cabin fever :straightface:
I had this dream that the world was going to blow up and the rich people knew it but didn't tell us po' chimps they built a big space ship in the Grand Canyon I knew it was gonna blow up too so I climbed a mountain to get away for some stupid reason but before I could get to the top the space ship taking off broke the mountain I was climbing I woke up right then and said eff this I'm gonna daydream the rest of this instead of continuing my morning in a depressed mood as the mountain exploded I make one final jump and just make it to the top looking behind me I see the space ship is going to pass right by the mountain top so I time my final jump just right (remember Brooce Williss in Die Hard where he tied the fire hose around his waist and jumped from the building top? That's me) leap towards the rising space ship and in midair I pull my pants down in the full moon position :) spin around aiming my a$$ at the windshield the rich people are in the space ship drinking champagne saying "Yay yippee we left the poor to die!" the pilot says "What's that? Look out!!!!!" the last thing they see is my a$$ coming at them at terminal velocity SMASH! sound of the winshield breaking PFTTTTT!!!!! sound of my a$$hole hitting the pilot in the nose and the back of my sakk hitting him in the lips perfect bullseye the rich people yell "No!!!!!" the space ship spirals out of control crashes to the exploding Earth and mankind gets took off the food chain courtesy of the chimp! :allgood:
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