PotChimp's Side Projects

This White S1 got burnt from bad nutes (plant on the right):


I'm not much on the pot anyway. I'll finish it out, and if the jar of it I have curing now gets any better I still have a small clone of it I can keep things going with.
The only decent living genetic material left to the GDP I S1'ed. Here's the last GDP clone I have; the next one isn't looking too good so I'm going to take this one early and reveg it. It isn't looking the best, but it didn't get very much of that bad nute mix so it could have been worse:


Once some of the clones and reveg plants get bigger, I'll have more pics to put up in this journal. I got a lot of 'em too..... :)
Dang that looks tasty
Ok so the holidays are over ... sup?
Ok so the holidays are over ... sup?

As far as this odds and ends journal goes, not a lot at the time. I've got the top of that White S1 I cloned about done; since it was fed with synthetic organics I'll just water it out for the last 10 days with RO water as opposed to flushing it. It took a hit from a bad nute feeding, but I took a clone from that clone; it's about 5" tall and it's carrying that strange leaf pattern still. That's the last clone of White S1 I'm doing. because the dope isn't all that mind blowing and nobody would elbow a crippled old lady with a walker in the jaw to get in line first for it ;) Hell I'd kick Tiny Tim's crutch out of under him to be first in line for some of this Blue Dream I'm burning on. You'd see it spiraling over everybody in the crowd's head right when it disappeared you'd hear somebody yell, "OWW!!!!!" it's so decent :)
I need to chop my last GDP clone soon so I can reveg it. The clone I took looks bad. But that's the whole reason I S1'ed that plant; so I wouldn't have to clone or reveg it. The S1s look different, though. That's why I want to keep it, even though I have 6 GDP x GDPs in my new grow. One of the seedlings looks wild; I'll post a pic of it with the rest of these when I get a chance. I hope it's a male.
I've got to take a clone today; it was a cutting from the 818 Headband x GDP I did last. That thing grows strong, so I don't expect problems.
Almost all I have going on now is new starts and that Chemdawg D BX3 project with the clones. So there's not much to take pics of. Hope all of your holidays were good everyone :thumb:
Here's an odds and ends post :) I rolled up a Lowryder #1 plant and smoked it in a blunt (probably about 1/8 of an oz.):


I didn't even get a buzz so I decided to roll and smoke the other Lowryder #1 plant I had (I weighed this one; it was .157 oz.):


I'm most the way done and still ain't got a buzz like I said on that thread my official smoke report is this $hit ain't got a hair on its a$$ good idea to discontinue it..... :straightface:
The two reasons I'm putting off my Rafael x ACDC grow are that I don't have the money right now for the MyDx device I want to test the offspring for a light breeding project, and the fact that these are Sativas and I want to do my Sativa grows in the Spring and early Summer from now on. So I'm going with this choice from the ones I listed a few pages ago: As soon as I can move a solo plant to another unit, I'll start it. It's what I call a redemption grow; strains that I did before, didn't do well with, but want to do again. Six plants, and these are all fem seeds - 1024, Warlock, The Ultimate, The original "Flo", Pineapple Express, and Raspberry Cough. Next I'll probably do a freebie grow, then if I can get it in before the spring, GSC, LA Affie, or Chemdawg D (version 1.1); I haven't decided yet.
I would leave out flo, it was a waste of space for me due to potency... who knows though you might get a good one
Chimpa Choppa Chunga!!!!!


I had to chop this one to get it to reveg. It's the last Ken's original GDP clone I have, and the little one I took from it isn't growing. It was a good idea to do these Indicas in the colder months; I put this one in a cold closet a few nights ago, and it purped up good :thumb: Shorting it on N doesn't hurt either. I'll post pics of the trimmed up buds when they dry a little. I'm chopping another CDDBX3 clone in a few days, doing a unit changeover again, then it's my Chimpa's Revenge grow :)
I got that next grow going. The original "No" is showing a tail, and will be ready to toss in the dirt today along with Warlock and Pineapple Express. They'll probably be all open by the end of the day. I'm gonna use up some freebies in my next grow. LA Confidential is one I'm tempted to do again, but I'll decide later on 4 of them. One or two more Indica and Indica dominant grows, and it's time for my first official Sativa grow of the year 2015, my "Thai'd to a What!?!?!" grow :)
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