PotChimp's Side Projects

Remember that old cartoon where two of the characters were on the deserted island starving then one looked at the other and the other looked like a roasted turkey the one was starved so bad? I got about a quart jar of that Free Tibet I just chopped left and ten days out on this plant, which is starting to look like a roasted turkey to my starving a$$:


another early chop courtesy of the chimp..... :(
can you try just taking the tops of this one?
Well this White S1 will be going soon:


That'll give this clone from the top of it more room to grow (man it flowers slow):


But when I put this GDP clone from the plant I S1'ed in there.....


..... it's just gonna get crowded again. Gotta get that GDP off the cold cement floor though it's starting to lock up :straightface:
I've got a clone from both the 818GDP and one of the GDP S1s I'm growing. I want to S1 the 818GDP, and I'm thinking that it would be a good idea to pollinate the GDP S1 clone with it also. I'm not sure though; maybe a better idea would be to S2 the GDP clone (which I also want to do), and pollinate the 818GDP clone with it. But I'm seeing something in the genetics here I want to work with.
Note: Please be so kind as to not throw matches in the chimp's toilet. Thank you.

effin' taco truck shoulda known better..... :(

Damn, I got a serious case of envy goin' on with your White S1. That's a pretty one. Mph!! :love:

And the GDPs all look great - gotta try one myself sometime ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Note: Please be so kind as to not throw matches in the chimp's toilet. Thank you.

effin' taco truck shoulda known better..... :(

Well the chimp almost killed the 818GDP cross by letting it get too dry :straightface: It'll be okay but every leaf short of the ones coming out of the lower buds wilted beyond comeback. I did an almost total defol on it my arms kept sticking to the branches I yelled get off me at 'em then thought why am I yelling this is good :) Oh, I fed it about 1/4 of a gallon of RO water mixed with 4 tsp. of hydrolyzed fish fertilizer, 2 tsp. of CaMg+, 4 ml. of micros, and 4 ml. of sulfate of potash.
It's a good thing cannabis is so sturdy - we'd all probably kill our orchids. :laughtwo:
Probably? Oh yeah probably. Not did. Like I did. I mean probably would have..... :bigblush:

I'm just using RO water on this White S1 now; it's gettin' the ol' choparoo as soon as the hairs brown up the rest of the way:


I think I'm going to put this clone I made from the top of that White S1 under the 600 watt as soon as there's an opening:


Here's the whole closet they're in:

For my own sake I need to do a boring post to keep track of things. :)
That 818GDP is going in a dark closet tonight. I have a clone of it that is still alive but not growing yet. I want to S2 that GDP I S1'ed after my breeding project is done and pollinate this 818GDP clone with it.
I also want to take a clone of the GDP original I decided to save; it yields better than these S1s so I'm gonna keep it going. I fed the GDP clone in flower today (aerated compost/manure tea).
I'll be chopping the first White S1 probably today and I'll get pics up of it. The top of it that I cloned is flowering out now; I fed it the same tea I fed the GDP clone. I have a clone of one of the GDP S1s going but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it because of the low yield. And I think my next grow is going to be strains I did bad at before but want to do again. I'll post the names later.
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