PotChimp's Side Projects

I'm glad somebody chimed in. :cheesygrinsmiley: I drilled a hole in my magic eight ball to make a power hitter out of it a few months ago, so I can't get answers from that anymore.
I've been keeping this Apollo 13 f2 for a while now; this is the clone I'll be using for a mother. I noticed that where the blades of the leaves connect to the petiole on this plant the leaf blade gets really thin:

This Apollo 13 f2 male has that same trait (the one that flowered sooner):

Here's the other Apollo 13 f2 male (the leaf blades are thicker at the petiole intersections):

I think I'd stay closer to keeping it what it is with the thinner bladed father. Dang, there I go using that word think again..... :straightface:
I don't know, but I'm glad those two plants are only about a week from chop. They're taking up a lot of room, and I gotta get other things going. Maybe I could try to cut it off and clone it.
I've got two Apollo 13 f2 males and I'm trying to figure out which one to use (or to do a cross pollination). One is flowering sooner than the other, which would imply to me that it's more Indica. The frost on the female plant I'm keeping would imply the same. But I want to keep the offspring leaning towards Sativa, so the second male would be a better choice there. It seems like cross pollination is the only option I have to better the odds of getting what I want. Hmmmm..... :hmmmm:
From everything I have read about breeding, most breeders tend to look for males that flower later. Especially if the one that is flowering started to flower under a veg light schedule. That is usually a huge indicator that it is not a worthy male. I do not know if they are under a flowering schedule or not but just some things I have seen. i would use the later flowering one unless there is something about the earlier flowering one that you really care to have in the mix.
I just culled the later flowering male; bummer. I'm only looking for one round of seeds, so it might not have been that bad of a mistake. I like the plant structure of the earlier flowering plant, but it did go into full bloom (not pre-flowering) under 18/6. I'm glad you posted that, though. It'll help a lot with the GDP breeding project I'm doing and the Chem D cross-breeding I'll be starting up again soon.

Badly in need of a defoliation X-Mas Bud:

Hard to see Chocolope clone (I just put two into bloom):

Tikal; been goin' a long damn time too:

Ghost Train Haze #1:

look for males that flower later
the earlier flowering one....
not a worthy male

Kinda weird how that’s backwards to the way it would work in nature, but judging from some of the breeding humans around here it seems like it might make sense.

PotChimp how do you feel about chopping plants that are loaded with white pistils and just won’t quit?
Kinda weird how that’s backwards to the way it would work in nature, but judging from some of the breeding humans around here it seems like it might make sense.

PotChimp how do you feel about chopping plants that are loaded with white pistils and just won’t quit?
It does seem counter intuitive, it is just what I have seen more than one breeder recommend. They had supporting reasoning for why but I will be damned if I remember what it all is exactly.
Yeah cool... I’d somehow managed to forget about mold for a couple minutes. As it turns out I just harvested it now and in the middle of the biggest cola there was a little bit of mold just trying to start- so it would have been ruined if I’d waited anyway.
I'm smoking a blunt of it right now :Rasta:
Got good reveg growth going on this Nevil's Haze, so I put it in a bigger pot and into bloom a few days ago:

Chocolope I keep saying I'm gonna get rid of, but never do:

Mendocino Purple Kush that I hope to never get rid of:

Another MPK I just started about a week ago:

I think I'm gonna pull those Tikal plants pretty soon. :thumb:
My Chocolope just keeps getting weirder. It grows in odd shapes and only grows 3 bladed leaves now. I couldn’t find a 5 bladed leaf anywhere at all on this last plant, and the buds look like they’re... foxtailing I guess....but on a fox with bad radiation sickness. Still good smoke though.
My Chocolope just keeps getting weirder. It grows in odd shapes and only grows 3 bladed leaves now. I couldn’t find a 5 bladed leaf anywhere at all on this last plant, and the buds look like they’re... foxtailing I guess....but on a fox with bad radiation sickness. Still good smoke though.
Wow I have never seen a bud like that
I think it’s maybe what happens sometimes when very dense bud grows foxtails? The Chocolope bud normally has a very compact consistency sort of like hard rubber - like a bouncy ball. I’m pretty sure they’d bounce well if I tried. Not these ones obviously, but when it grows rounder shaped buds... I do find the perpetual three-bladed leaf thing a bit weird. Does anyone else get plants that grow that way with only three blades throughout?
I think it’s maybe what happens sometimes when very dense bud grows foxtails? The Chocolope bud normally has a very compact consistency sort of like hard rubber - like a bouncy ball. I’m pretty sure they’d bounce well if I tried. Not these ones obviously, but when it grows rounder shaped buds... I do find the perpetual three-bladed leaf thing a bit weird. Does anyone else get plants that grow that way with only three blades throughout?
I had a GG that had leafs like that
Yeah, that is kinda weird. Reminds me of a DJ Short Blueberry x SLH cross I did a few years back; a lot of the phenos do that. This Ak47 I'm running does either single or 3-bladed leaves the whole way through.
I did me a chicken poo mix for these Ca gobblin' Chocolope clones I have here; hopefully it'll keep the leaves from getting spotty (it has like 9% Ca).
I was way off on the count from that 24 plant grow. I only wound up with two 818 Headband x Grand Daddy Purple plants, and after growing them for too long in too small of a pot under too weak of a light they're just 1-1/2 foot tall sticks with no side branching. I decided to plant them together in the same 3 gallon pot and put them into bloom (if I like either one, I can reveg it and grow a good sized plant):

I have 5 female Jack the Ripper x Grand Daddy Purple plants, so I put them all together in a 5 gallon pot and did the same (most of them were going into full bloom anyway). There's 2 normal looking ones, 2 weird growing ones, and a different looking one:

Different one (kinda frosty):

Ghost Train Haze #1; Halloween seems to bring them out :battingeyelashes:

I decided to go ahead and put this Eva Seeds Monster plant into bloom, too:

These last two pics are pretty crappy, but here they are. The first one is a Cannabis Afghanica that's ready to chop; it's about a foot tall and maybe 1/2 oz.:

I'll get a better pic of it when I take it out tomorrow.
Chemdawg D BX3:

I'll probably grow all 5 of those Headbanger f2s and the remaining 3 Apollo 13 f2s separately, as well as the last plant in this grow, the Raspberry Cough. :thumb:
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