PotChimp's Side Projects

I was giving thought to moving the TD back in here and increasing the dark period to 14 or 15 hours (up from the 13 hours of dark the timer is set on now). Maybe I'll try it over the next few days.

duh! 13 hours of DARK, I must have read that 3-4 times, every time I was reading 13 hours of LIGHT!!
That sounds like it has a plant for everyone!

I saw the show, and the strain seemed intriguing. I didn't know you could get it in seed form, but I may put off my Hippie Killer grow and do this one. I'll do the research as the grow progresses and learn how to make the oil at home (it looked like a distillation process and the machine looked pricey). I know just the chimp to be a laboratory test monkey for the project :tokin:
And, seriously, it's good to have as many people as possible growing the strain - one of the few truly heartbreaking maladies it can treat.

Jus' think! - yool be a reguler humanitarianist, Chimp!

:green_heart:Charlot's web AKA ACDC , is a fantastic plant. I have two clones in my mother room now and one in the ground. I grew one last year and had good results. The plant is thin stalked and the branches are also thin . She will grow like a tomato if left to her own devices, I.E. when too heavy , branches contact the ground and put out roots. She will need a trellis to hold her up and if out doors, to protect her from strong winds . Her flowers are fluffy and can get large, but a little airy.
Extracting the cbd from her has been troublesome, cold water extraction does not do a good enough job as most of the cbd does not separate from the plant this way.
After doing a bunch of reading and trying,I found the best method for using this plant is to juice it raw, fresh from the plant, buds and leaves too. Mix the juice with fruit and/or veg juice to remove the nasty flavor:yummy:
Update on the side projects - Here's my clones (from bottom to top: Free Tibet, WW IBL, GDP, Chemdawg D BX 3):


A Free Tibet in flower (I top dressed it with about 1 tsp. of 8-2-1 bat guano this morning):


A GDP starting 11/13 (top plant):


My OTH doesn't look as good, but the flowers are filling out some:


Still hurting..... :(

And these Bubba Kush revegs, crawling along (Pre '98, Katsu cut):


Hey PotChimp I have some thoughts about your OTH looking the way it does. :hmmmm:
Your OTH looks over watered and light crowded, or, wait for it, she needs more light. I believe I read somewhere , don't remember if it was Rosenthal, or Cervantes, the more sativa dom a plant is , the more light it needs to thrive. More than you would give an Indica or a hybrid. I am talking PAR. The more I look at her the more I think more PAR, yeah,she looks PAR starved. Not something most growers experience as most of the stuff grown is a hybrid that has indica dom growing traits and requirements. :hmmmm:
I've noticed that the part of the OTH that is directly under the light looks more normal, Smoke2Js. I mixed 2 different guanos prior to mixing them in water to activate (which it didn't) and put it on 2 plants. Both this and that one yellowed up pretty bad, and this one is going to take a few more weeks to pull out of it. It may not, but if it starts looking better I may stretch it out under this 600 watt and put 2 of the plants in here under another light. I'd like to get a decent outcome here, but it's not priority over the rest of my plants.

Confirmation on the overwatering of the OTH, Smoke2Js. I stuck my finger in one of the drain holes in the bottom instead of the top of the soil to check, and it's damp (which Sativas don't like from my experience). I wasn't going to water it for a while anyway, so it should all work out.
A few pics to keep track of things.

Pre '98 Bubba Kush S! reveg:


Bubba Kush (Katsu cut) reveg:


Top - GDP clone. Bottom - Free Tibet clone. Middle left - WW IBL reveg (from flower):


Raggedy Old Timers Haze clone (at this point I'm just growing it out to get me a huge doob out of the deal):


In with a few more plants:


Free Tibet clone a few weeks into flower (switching to FF on this one):


A GDP clone starting to show hairs:


I'm giving thought to cloning the OTH again. Dang me, dang me. They oughtta take a rope and hang me..... ;)

Clone yes... but how about cutting off the tops and letting it keep budding too?
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