PotChimp's Side Projects

G13 Labs Pineapple Express:

I pollinated one of my Grand Daddy Purple clones with Thai Stick pollen and here's one of the f1 offspring:


Dang that looks dangerous...
Let's hope it is! :)

P.S.: I read the quote at the bottom of your page I'm not much of a corporate America fan but I like what Henry Ford said about investors long ago. It reflects my exact opinion. They're parasites. Sorry to get all political better light this doob and mellow out, huh?
Here's my 600 watt burnt up grow :(
SLH x Blueberry (non-purple pheno) reveg:


SLH x Blueberry (non-purple pheno) clone:


SLH x Blueberry (purple pheno) clone:


Putting ventilation in didn't help the previous damage on these, that's for sure. The next plants grown in here should be cool; I'll have my separate plenum built and this unit won't be under negative pressure anymore. Temps are a bit low for CO2 (80 degrees F).

CFL grow:


Medical Seeds - 1024:


Greenhouse Seed Company - Exodus Cheese:


G13 Labs - Pineapple Express:

Yeah, I'll take one of the Pineapple Express, please. Good grief Pot Chimp, that looks too tasty. Does it taste like pineapple? It'd make super baked buds if it did.

I thought it was time I visited you. How rude of me to wait this long, but it is what it is. Let me see what's afoot in your journals. That was a long trip. Got any cold water?
PotChimp's dryin' rack :lot-o-toke:


Top and second down - dried on the stem chopped 2 weeks early Zamal Reunion (hermied)
Third down - dried on the stem Mekong High
Fourth down - Indica dominant Maui Waui
Fifth down - dried on the stem Sativa dominant Maui Waui
Sixth down - dried on the stem second Sativa dominant Maui Waui
Last down - tomorrow; Chemdawg D BX3

Next up after that is a SLH x Blueberry reveg..... :tokin:
Gratz Brotha and I had to take a look at the bottom of Brotha Bucks Sig
cool shit I had no idea he said that
Pot Chimp, that Super Lemon Haze x DJ Short's Blueberryone is one interesting plant. It almost looks like some exotic cacti species.
Calyxes spread out from too much heat (Super Lemon Haze x DJ Short's Blueberry - purple pheno):


Super Lemon Haze x DJ Short's Blueberry - non-purple pheno, same attitude as the mother I took it from :)


Don't think it likes me..... :straightface:

I have had plants do this. I think it is more genetic than environment. But then, environment can effect genetics differently. As long as it is building calyx and NOT leaves, LET HER RIP. Some of my best weeds have "fox-tailed" like that. It's like they flower out without stopping the strech. Can't wait to hear how she turns out.
I have had plants do this. I think it is more genetic than environment. But then, environment can effect genetics differently. As long as it is building calyx and NOT leaves, LET HER RIP. Some of my best weeds have "fox-tailed" like that. It's like they flower out without stopping the strech. Can't wait to hear how she turns out.

The purple one is actually a clone from an almost failed reveg. The mother plant didn't do it at all it really looked good. The pots really good too. The one that's foxtailing really bad is a genetic thing; the mother I took that clone from was the same.
But I don't see anything you have to trim away from those foxtails ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I like me some crunchy foxtails ... all hashy n stuff ... mmmm. :love:
They're so long I should braid three of 'em together and roll a blunt wrap around the whole mess :tokin:

Medical Seeds - 1024 (nice structure for indoor growing):


Greenhouse Seed Company - Exodus Cheese (burnt the ol' girl):


Another EC clone just starting to show hairs:


Pineapple Express clone:


This GDP plant was grown out as a clone, switched to this pot, grown out a bit more, flowered out, put back into reveg, grown long enough to get clones from and make sure that the clones were successful, grown out a short time more, and flowered out again all without being put in new soil and I've done this same thing so many times the plant turns yellow as a canary this one's too far along to transplant now:

Chimpa Choppo! :tokin:
Super Lemon Haze x DJ Short's Blueberry (this is a reveg of the plant in post 1231, second pic; the one with the long calyxes):


I had to cut both top colas off due to the beginning of grey mold (two secondary main colas came off it when I did the original topping):


Ahh, it'll smoke..... :straightface:
This pheno smells like lemon mostly, with a little Haze smell to it. I should get an oh-zee off it at least. Here's the biggest plate; there was only a half plate more:


Note: Wow we got on the ballot, but when I read the details I have to say I got bummed. I never would have dreamed I'd feel this way, but I don't like what I see and I'm going with my heart. I'll decide when the time comes whether to vote it down or not vote at all. I've waited this long; I can wait a year or two longer. Oh well.
It's unfortunate that so frequently what we hoped would be freedom has come with onerous restrictions that will only reinforce the black market. How short sighted the entire process has become. This irrational, uninformed attitude that so many legislators have, coupled with their need to tell us how to live our private lives is bothersome, to say the least.

Hopefully it will eventually evolve into something you feel comfortable supporting through your vote. I live in PA. We have no real hope here. Our legislature gives themselves raises. That's about all they've done for decades now. To expect them to be progressive about cannabis reform is to be truly delusional.
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