Piña's 2020 Diary 3rd Journal

Mid week update time,
I'm happy to report things are improving. Getting on top of my pH has helped no end, the girls were already looking happier on Sunday morning. Here they are today.


Day 50 for the DD, and Day 40 for the Blueberry at the front. The new growth since Saturday has been great, fingers crossed it continues.

It was even more obvious with the STB.


She's now on Day 17, and I've just fed her the same nute mix as the older girls, watered down 40/60 with plain water. Let's hope she can handle it.

The pH of my nute mix and my flush water both remained stable from Saturday until today, so I should be able to stay on top of it.

Lastly I have a new victim, popped her over the weekend.


I went with a mystery auto seed from Buddha Seeds.

I have some high CBD seeds I'm desperate to pop, but don't want to risk them until I've had a hiccup free grow. I'm making mañana Day 1 for her, let's hope for "sin hipos".

Thanks for stopping by, stay safe and healthy.

Good afternoon all,
Not sure how, but RL's been a bit busy last few days. Feels like an age since I updated.

First up welcome @politoed. I'll take all the luck you're willing to give, I need it. Feel free to follow along, but I wouldn't suggest copying anything. :D

I'm thinking of changing the name of this journal to....

Piña's Party of Perpetual Plant Problems

Alright it's not that bad, but I do have a new issue. On with the update, what to start with? The good, the bad, or the ugly..

The STB first, in the bad category. I think the name "Sin Tra Bajo" has had an effect on my attitude towards her. I confess I only up potted her today, should have been done a week or more ago.


She gained over an inch in height instantly, she'd sunk so low in the perlite those lower leaves were in danger of going under as you can see from the perlite on her stem.

Her roots however look good and quite healthy considering what I found in the bottom of her old home.


Sludge, and that's WITH washed perlite. In RL it was more obvious that it's the peat from the plugs, think I'm going to need to give them up. The sludge was also very warm from the Sun. I'm sure a larger Hempy will help with this, up potting can't be put off.

Now the ugly. The DD is struggling on.


Her new growth looks good, but she still looks ugly from her previous problems. She should have about 3 weeks left, here's hoping she bulks up.

Continuing with the ugly we have the Blueberry.


She looks worse in the pic than real life. The tip burn is old, I assume the paling leaves are because she's hungry. What concerns me however is the new growth up top.


The leaves are curling in on themselves. As I said I'm sure she's hungry, but I'm wondering if she's getting too much fan in the tent as well.

All water and feed is now pH'd around 5.5pH, so it's for sure not that.

The EC of nute mix 1445 micro-siemens. According to an online calculator I found this works out to be 926.3 ppm.

I think this means that there is room for more nutes in my mix. The question is which ones. I'm thinking upping the Bloom, Grow, Micro a bit from 2ml/L to 2.5ml/L.

So that leaves the good. My mystery girl


She is looking happy as larry, and wait for it... I've given her weak nutes TWICE with no issues. :D

Up potted her today, my most successful launch to date.

Although as anyone that's been following this journal knows that could all change.

Thanks for stopping by, any suggestions gratefully received.

Stay safe and well

Cheers @FelipeBlu

I was just catching up with Shed's journal. You mentioned watering daily during flower, so a question.

Does watering daily equal feeding more?

So water daily and/or up feeding?

Okay I know 2 questions there, but I just had a vape, and thought I could get a bit of leeway.

Toma ! :passitleft:

If you are in 100% perlite hempy, you should remain at the dose that makes the plant happy. Perlite has very low to zero CEC, so you don’t have to worry about it accumulating excess nutrients so much. However, a good finger-plug fertigation/mini-flush is a good idea (once a week or more).
Time for a weekly update.

Hope everyone's doing well as the new normal starts to take hold. I've not had as much time for a journal that's for sure. Going to aim for weekly updates for now, got to try and keep on top of it.

Group shot


So back left we have the Blueberry on Day 54. Not looking as good as she smells.

Back right the long suffering DD on Day 64, not bulking up as much as I'd hoped, but that's probably for the best. She's developed an ever increasing lean that I've been forced to support with a pipe cleaner.

Front left is STB who's made a fantastic bounce back for Day 31. The late up pot didn't faze her at all. I've given her slight tip burn, with 1ml per L so have eased off slightly.

Then lastly we have the Mystery girl on Day 14. She is looking hungry. She has been getting 0.25ml per L, so jumped that to just shy of 0.5. Here's hoping for no tip burn on this one.

Well I've got to keep my victims coming, so I'll be looking to pop another sometime this week. Not sure which to go with, I'm leaning towards another mystery seed for practise purposes. Good job I have a few :D .

Thanks for stopping by

Happy Friday all,
better still a Friday with time to update, should have a chance to get round other journals tonight too.

I am pleased to announce I have a happy corner.


At the back we have the STB, with the Mystery girl up front.

Those of you following will know these are the happiest plants I have had yet. :D The growth since Monday has been fantastic.

The STB still has slight tip burn, but it hasn't got any worse. The Mystery girl has no issues that I can see. The missing finger on the second set of leaves is mirrored the other side, so I'm calling that an "endearing" feature.

I'm over the moon with their progress thus far, but you know calamity could be just around the corner, or on their big sister.


The long suffering DD's got bugs. Aphids if I'm not mistaken.

All the other plants are clear as far as I can see, so that's a good thing. Need to figure out a preventaive treatment for them though.

The DD has been treated with what I had on hand. A really good spray down with water with castile soap and isopropyl alcohol. I checked a couple of hours after and Aphids are harder to spot, so it's had some effect.

I'll repeat end of day mañana, and see where that leaves her.

Here she is after her shower.


The added water didn't help her lean any, but she'll dry up in no time at this time of year. One thing's for sure she's not doing any night shifts in the tent.

The Blueberry is still struggling along.


As I said no sign of bugs, hopefully she'll stay that way.

I knew wildlife would be a problem with an outside grow , should have been better prepared.

So now some good news.

Lastly back in April, around our festive holiday, I thought to take advantage of the seasonal offers and buy a few seeds. I really want to try a high CBD strain so I went shopping with our sponsor @SeedsMan .

With their seasonal sale, and a bit of "little boy in a sweet shop" syndrome I ordered a nice selection of auto's to work my way through. Including two of their high 30-1 CBD Auto's.

Long story short, part of the order was incorrectly filled. I was short one of the high CBD strains I'd ordered, with a photo period strain in it's place.

To be fair I wasn't overly bothered. I'd rather stick with Auto's, but a change is good, and the photo seeds were high CBD anyway, so no loss really. I sent them an email about it, mainly because I was locked down and bored with nothing better to do, and forgot all about it until today.

Today I got a really nice mail from Izzy @SeedsMan apologising for the mistake and informing me 6 of the missing seeds will be shipped to me free of charge :D. What a pleasant surprise, really cheered up what's been quite a crap day for a Friday. Thanks Izzy.

My next victim shall be


Pink Kush CBD 30-1

Thanks for stopping by. All suggestions on infestation prevention/control gratefully received.

Great update Piña! :thumb:

I think you are on the right track with castile soap and isopropyl. Just be careful when you apply - no hot sun. Aphids can also be sprayed off the underside of leaves with a fairly strong, fine spray of water (like from a hose attachment). Just watch out for the buds.
I've just got time for a quick Tuesday update.

Hope everyone's coping with what feels like the increasing level of craziness in the world right now. Luckily our plants only seem to notice the craziness we inflict on them.

Group shot


Upfront we have a mangled looking Dark Devil. Now on Day 74, and not long for this world. I'll have time to chop her over the weekend, maybe Friday if I'm lucky.

Sprayed her three times over the weekend with my mix and she's bug free.

My last DD went 72 days, and the bit I've tried is great goodnight, sleepy, weed. Like oops I've dozed off on the couch again. Hoping this will be more of the same.

Next we have the Mystery girl on Day 24. Not sure what's up with her.


It looks a bit like spill damage to me, but it isn't. I think I put her under the big light before she was ready (although that doesn't explain the leaf damage). She wasn't happy yesterday morning, all leaves pointing down shying from the light. She spent last night under the seedling light, and was miles happier at the end of her shift.

Then there's the STB on
Day 41. Now living up to her name, she's had a good stretch, and looks very happy.

Finally at the back we have the Blueberry on Day 64. She is almost there, smells great, and I can't wait :D fattening up nicely.


Do excuse the Dobby hair. God knows how that got there, she should be naked the way she's been shedding.

Then we have the latest addition to the crew.


Day 1 for the Seedsman Pink Kush CBD. I think I'll just stick with Pink from now on. Super excited about this one 30:1 CBD. Her launch is going well thus far.

I bottled it, and used a another peat plug. Maybe next time I'll give a straight perlite launch another shot.

Got a new phone on the way, hoping it'll give me more time to get around other people's journals more often. Like over coffee, when I'm at work ;). The huge catch up's are a killer.

That's all I've got for now.

Stay safe, well, and preferably stoned

The DD is getting tall and has bulked up some - looks sweet!
And the Blueberry - yum! Nice and frosty. Blueberry is one of my top strains. I'm currently sipping a balloon of Blueberry vape - so tasty.
Good afternoon,
Hope everyone's staying safe and well. Time for an update on my little garden.


Pink is doing fine. Found her like this when I removed her humidity bag. Not fed her anything yet, she'll get a very weak mix today. Day 6 already.

At the other end of the spectrum, on Day 69 there's the Blueberry.


Don't think she's there yet, but she's well on her way.


Enjoying afternoon sunshine. As the solstice is approaching I should make a note of how much direct Sun they're getting. Might be up to 6 whole hours.


STB at the back has finished stretching, and is getting on with flowering. Day 46

The Mystery girl at the front is just starting to stretch. Day 29

I think both these are suffering from underfeeding. Going to up their feed slightly from today.

I've taken to mixing up 10L of nute mix at the amounts I listed earlier in the journal. Then watering that down as needed.

Up until now these 2 having been getting half strength of that mix, I'll up that to 3/4 strength, and see how they fare.

The DD is getting nothing, she is no more. Chopped, washed, and hung her on Saturday Day 77.

Thanks for stopping by stay safe



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