Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

wow man just wow, get this ,we have recently had hail ,sleet and snow ,the rainwater i collect for all my plants was looking a little cloudy not clear like usual , any way i had to water the plants so i checked its ph comes up 6 , good my rainwater is always 6, next i check it with the bluelab for ppm and get 0 , ok ,so im looking closer and closer and nothing you know its just fukn rainwater but cloudy ,im quite stoned trying to make any sense of it so i think well ok ill just use it .

so i water all the plants.

after i was done i stood back and checked temps then thought well works done here ill go have a few cones, i come back 4 hours later LOL theyve all gone ballistic , greened up the lot no joke ,WTF was in that rainwater !
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

those pics above were at watering time , ill update tommorow and you tell me ,seriously it was THIS rainwater from the hail sleet snow etc ,anybody know if there are any benefits to the rainwater having fallen in a frozen state then melted out and left to room temp.
from the limited research i just googled it says its due to a very high oxygen content ,but why this time why this rain ,i use only rainwater always and i know it has nitrates it pulls out and no chlorine etc chems (depending on local polution that is)

i just cant state how much different soft and luxurious the water even felt ,true soft water ,pics in the morning!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

You have some amazing plants photos and your grow and strains have been an inspiration but I've got one question!!! WHAT IS UP WITH AUSTRALIA?!?!?! First you have damn near perfect soil then you tell us you have magic water. I may need to move lol.
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

You have some amazing plants photos and your grow and strains have been an inspiration but I've got one question!!! WHAT IS UP WITH AUSTRALIA?!?!?! First you have damn near perfect soil then you tell us you have magic water. I may need to move lol.

i dont know what it was about this cloudy rainwater but ive got 100litres of it left ,its usually crystal clear ,its raining growth boosters , hallelujah!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

so here we are this morning , i dont know if you can tell from the pics but they really greened up , i feel theyre over the hump and ready to bloom
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Damn man, looking mighty fine in here.... Healthy green.. Can't wait for you to flip them mate...
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Damn! It looks like an army in there.

How much longer to flip? They're ready, from the looks of those pictures. Nice, healthy leaves you have growing. I kept scrolling down on pictures that made me gasp. :battingeyelashes:
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Damn man, looking mighty fine in here.... Healthy green.. Can't wait for you to flip them mate...
thanks grizz i cant wait mate just been so busy and had a timer go , hey you got your mars up yet did they charge you shipping?
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Damn! It looks like an army in there.

How much longer to flip? They're ready, from the looks of those pictures. Nice, healthy leaves you have growing. I kept scrolling down on pictures that made me gasp. :battingeyelashes:
sweet im meant to flip today LOL , this is where i get weird ,i have the lightproofing done then bang ,timer wont work ,just 1 timer oh well a couple days over thw weekend shouldnt hurt ,keep thinking each plant deserves a room of its own .

flipping asap i suppose is my short answer !
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

No on both... Ive got led panels..ill look at using it when I expand room... Panels I got are a bit better...
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Yeah for sure.. Have warehouse in Sydney (if memory is right) so not like coming from China....
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Damn! Lookin good, photos. Maybe the hail knocked a bunch of algae off your roof or something.. Storms are meant to release N into the atmosphere/rainwater too.. Whatever, looks great! I always worry about my timers cos they're cheap! I need to go out buy expensive digital ones.. The only thing you don't want to play up is the cheapest thing in my cab!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Damn! Lookin good, photos. Maybe the hail knocked a bunch of algae off your roof or something.. Storms are meant to release N into the atmosphere/rainwater too.. Whatever, looks great! I always worry about my timers cos they're cheap! I need to go out buy expensive digital ones.. The only thing you don't want to play up is the cheapest thing in my cab!
thanks santb ,yeh timers are the single worst made product in my whole house LOL i hate them so much i did a whole grow without them to see if i even need them any more , but 11 weeks of waking to the sound of its raining men ring tone as alarm has fried my mind , LOL
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

I keep the cheap manual ones cause those expensive digital one didn't shut down panels completely, faint glow, like 10w of power still getting through. But damn you gotta check those cheap ones after 6 months...
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

I keep the cheap manual ones cause those expensive digital one didn't shut down panels completely, faint glow, like 10w of power still getting through. But damn you gotta check those cheap ones after 6 months...

Oh yeah I remember.. Maybe an expensive manual one then! One of mine stuck on once but lucky it was during lights on anyway.. Found it just before lights off (7am) stuck at 10pm..... As long as it doesn't come on and off in flower.. At least a mechanical one can't blow a chip or whatever.. Light gets stuck "on", no biggie. Stuck "off", no biggie.. flickering I worry about with the cheap ones, like loose contacts or whatever..
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

I keep the cheap manual ones cause those expensive digital one didn't shut down panels completely, faint glow, like 10w of power still getting through. But damn you gotta check those cheap ones after 6 months...

yeah mine just stop working ,i smashed it with the sledge hammer then smoked a joint sooo satisfying
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Feels good smashing stuff :rofl: Happened to me couple weeks ago, walk past room couple hours after lights out, buzzzzzZ of fans stripper light on.. Oh well, I've gone the $10 ones, last longer than those pack of 2 for $9...
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

:rofl:Man, I thought I was the only one.. Nothing better than smashing things with a hammer when you're pissed off.. My last one was a cheap stapler that just wouldn't fire.. Can't finish that today, darl'.. stapler broke..:rofl:
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

haha yeh grizz and santb ,makes you feel a lot better about what ever it was.

theres 2 types i reckon ,1 is losing it at the object and breaking it on the spot and 2 (my personal favourite ) is to take a deep breath ,exhale smile ,take it outside then just let it have it completely destroy it ,you know smash it to pieces but and i cannot stress how important this part is ,i must smash the pieces themselves into pieces! ahhhhhhh what a life , im off to smash something now LOL all this breaking talk ,hey you mate yeah you ,,can i use your lighter, cheers mate! BANG explodes lighter screams out yeeeeeee haaaaaaw and runs away smiliing immmm castor troy woooooooooo woooooo im castor troy
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