Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Amazing job, photos. Crazy shit youre pulling here. Congrats on your sons birth!

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Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

update ! all is well ,i have apples!

Haha! This was how I got high the very first time. What memories. My 22nd birthday and two friends discovered I'd never smoked and decided that was wrong. So they cored out an apple and got me wasted. And so it began. :laughtwo:
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

All caught up now. Congratulations Dad. :partyboy::circle-of-love:

I'm intrigued by your practice of setting one bag on top of another. An interesting method of tiering the plants. Gives you depth, which I'm assuming gives you much bigger plants. I'm always curious if they prefer deeper or wider.
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Haha! This was how I got high the very first time. What memories. My 22nd birthday and two friends discovered I'd never smoked and decided that was wrong. So they cored out an apple and got me wasted. And so it began. :laughtwo:

haha what a first hit ,the apple ! ,i did the apple billy as a teenager then somehow it just faded into memory, how quick that memory was jogged when i had no other means lol
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

All caught up now. Congratulations Dad. :partyboy::circle-of-love:

I'm intrigued by your practice of setting one bag on top of another. An interesting method of tiering the plants. Gives you depth, which I'm assuming gives you much bigger plants. I'm always curious if they prefer deeper or wider.
thankyou sue we now have another healthy boy.

with the bag stacking ,im not entirely sure if the plants do prefer wide or deep , its an easy way to uppot and even out your canopy at the same time ,and lately its bren a real killer on my back transplanting ,lst , all the bending over has me feeling supercropped from the waist down so i bought the plants up a bit LOL .

i have read somewhere conflicting opinions on wide vs deep with wide lovers saying the size of the canopy is determined by the ability of the roota to reach outwards , and deep lovers saying the final size of the plant is determined on how deep the main taproot can shoot .

i think this may matter a lot more outdoors than indoors eg outdoors the deeper the roots can shoot the closer they get to the water table , and the wider they shoot the better thier ability to absorb surface water rained down from above that is on the
outside perimeter of the canopy .
thats my thoughts but not scientificaly sure.

i am sure more rootspace does mean more plant if you use that rootspace.

interesting sweety, you really got me thinking!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Whassup Photos my dude. I'm sure its early for you, so I decided to show off my little platinum huckleberry cookies seedlings.
I have them spread around the tray but you can tell by the pink and green label.. PHC power baby! :high-five:

Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Whassup Photos my dude. I'm sure its early for you, so I decided to show off my little platinum huckleberry cookies seedlings.
I have them spread around the tray but you can tell by the pink and green label.. PHC power baby! :high-five:


my man ! any ideas on phenos yet ? looking superb brother ,how you planning to grpw yours out ,topping lst etc , i left only 1 of mine untopped and i chose that one to be the mutant leaf pheno , i think i could grow her in full public view withour suspicion ( till she buds or someone sniffs her out lol)
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Better late than never as the saying goes.:popcorn:
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

an honour to have you cola i cant wait to move and get started on the greenhouse to your specs !
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

sorry to have been a little slack with updates ive been super busy .

today i went in and opened them all up ,some branch bending and a little defol ,only a little as they were well and truelly blanketing.
sticky ,stinky dankness awaited me at every turn .

last pic is the finger hash i picked up just tending to them LOL in VEG .

cant wait to flower now and dont worry i will get off my ass and pull out the good camera for flower .

happy growing my brothers ans sisters and thankyou all , i have a purpose!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

They are getting nice and big now. Look forward to seeing them flower. Nice!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

They are getting nice and big now. Look forward to seeing them flower. Nice!

thanks blaze , yeh they were neglected for around 2 weeks or 10 + days there abouts and then i get back all needed potting up cause of full roots but also cause 2 weeks out from flower i have to pot up anyway into my preflower bannana soil LOL well thats what i call it, nothing to do with nanners just i have more bannana (completely composted)added as well as calcium (egg shells) dolomite lime etc etc put simply its better in flower than my veg soil and needs to be different because not only do they need diff nutrients in diff ratios but also i foliar feed less and less then finaly almost never (except my wash down sprays,(i like my nugs dust free) also all needed b
more lst and i have no garden wire left so got to get onto that tommorow if possible my foliars were missed and i honestly was pretty pissed off LOL.

the phc, theos, and a few other plants were largely unaffected however all the larger plants in order oc biggest tto smallest all had begun to develop cal mag defs , so ive corrected that and now theyre all taking off again , starting to preflower in some cases , i am super pumped on what i think is my new finished strain uvb a cross of my buster and a purple tibetan sativa male , then backcrossed to buster mum , phenos grown out picked 1 female and then hit it with bustdad pollen producing these seeds ,popped 100 ,98 germinated and thrived of which there were 3 main phenos ,2 of which are like a purpley blue uvb light colour and 1 a white! and covered in trichs with a fuely is my petrol leaking? stench it wasnt largely affected by my abscence and has pre flowered aswell.

that made everything feel a whole lot damn better brother for sure.

anyways,now its prep to flip the lot ,almost fireworks time
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Love your work Photos, late, but now subbed.
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Love your work Photos, late, but now subbed.
thanks blacksmith , cool name mate, your just in time for the flip , should be flipping them on the 16 th or 23rd depending on when this sheeting arrives to block out every thing 100% ocd style
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

so were recovering now photodad is back , got all shapes in here ,what suits the plant ,gets it low ,flat,and exposed to light and air is all i aim for ,and a bit of fun while doing it.
so got squares triangles circles and even my turboflux ,LA let me know what you think of that one ,i did it in a basic lst style just got a topped plant trained a branch each way then all its "ribs" out from the middle like a diamond shape ,i did it too my uvb strain.
also got a plat huck cookies mutant pheno im growing out natural and untopped for something different in the garden , a variety of shapes .
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

was looking through some pics of buster ,smoking on some time machine , i found these images haunting , layyy off the sativa photobomb arrrghhhh,i wish i could have kept growing her forever .
heres the pics some early flower where you can see how much bigger and longer she got over the flower period and that she is 1 hell of a plant.
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