Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

so that little graft i did worked , looks like i found a new way ( new to me) to graft, stem split grapht, pics coming bout 30 mins
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Just branch split from lst at main stem? Shove clone in there? Keep original branch that split? That's the perfect spot, it's going to naturally heal and hit that area with its hormones. Perfect sense, actually could be easier than cloning. Damn some shits obvious once somebody does it, lol.. I deliberately break and never thought of stiking a cutting into it..
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Just branch split from lst at main stem? Shove clone in there? Keep original branch that split? That's the perfect spot, it's going to naturally heal and hit that area with its hormones. Perfect sense, actually could be easier than cloning. Damn some shits obvious once somebody does it, lol.. I deliberately break and never thought of stiking a cutting into it..
yep spot on grizz s few pages back youll see it.
sorta just thought why not
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Hey photos just reading through and well with your seeds theres a few aussies on here that will be willing to give a local seed bank/breeder ago for sure, ill grab some lol
That graphting is awesome that its actually working, remember my old man telling me about graphting trees and such and i always wondered since then if itd work for marijuana, seems we have an answer now haha
Keen to see how that all turns out :)
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

thanks sir bud , as long as my end works out ill be able to help out all aussies and abroad ,shiit i didnt put that pic up yet
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

this one is my strain Buster ,named after my japanese tosa ,her lineage is star of bethlehem x blue dream x lemon skunk ,backcrossed to blue dream backcrossed to star od bethlehem back crossed yet again to blue dream, this has made a hardy hybrid with great vigor ,blueberry citrus and diesel terps ,thock velvety sweet smoke ,THE perfect strain for lazy growers or new gardeners very easy and forgiving to grow ,a nute mix that fries any thing in your garden will leave buster just hungry for more!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Looks and sounds like a great strain to me, those taste terps would have me growing it for sure, blueberry citrus mmmmm :)[/QUOTE

this one is my top producer ,cash croppers and grow at home medical patients dream ,so bloody easy to grow ,its ridiculous ,has it all ,yield,bag appeal ,terps ,potency, not just spruiking it just saying i love it ,buster would have loved it too ,may he rest in peace knowing his name lives on and i bet your up there protecting thr crop in the sky ,and munching high ,love ya mate
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

here is my strain Buster in full bloom .

this is one plant hst,lst,fimmed multiple times growing under 3 x 600 w high pressure sodium bulbs ,over the top is a rangehood for hot air extraction hahaha.

pure bliss , Buster has that blue tinge from the blue dream influence !
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Holy cow, dude... Nice!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Rock on brother photos. You got some great genetics in that strain. She is just pumping out buds.
yeah brother she is perfect in my eyes ,took a long long veg though 11 weeks 4 days LOL ,i had the spare room and already have ,a veg ,flower and breeding room and i got the 3 lights for an oz of time machine haha , any spare gaps on my property i stick plants in em, i actually forgot this was there for about a week and a half LOL but this gigantic star shaped pot holds over 100 ltr so its like a garden bed ,water it straight from the hose in the end cause i couldnt cart the rainwater
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

big busters stalk , a LOT of training went in ,a point i should make i feel is that i did not do any defol at all during veg ,none i want the plant to just get as big as possible , 1 defol at 2 and 1/2 weeks in ,after the stretch thats when i clean up the bottom and defol top before then its leaf tucking, Early Hst moving and progressing into lst moving further and progressing to a plastic net , moving with the plant doing what it needs at the right time is what i think is important i believe , what works great at one time could destroy your grow at another time if applied "off " time ,for instance i defol and clean this strain up at approx 2.5 wks into flower and she reacts by rewarding me with as much bud as she can but if u defol her before then eg just before you flip she stalls and literally drops a quarter of yield .

bit stoned sorry if im rambling LOL any way the other thing is rootspace , the more you have the bigger she will get obviously but then there were issues arrising from the giant soil bed star pot thing i was very fortunate that i make my own soil and top with perlite because i was sure to include what she would need ( not to mention how expensive it would have been) ,if i had to water in nutrients all the time she would have been constantly overwatered.
Then there was flushing WOW emptied 2 wheelie bins of rain water and .......

LOL ended up getting the hose LOL
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

OK so with the birth of my wonderfull son and all that comes with that in life my gardens got a little away from me and all of a sudden its time to uppot amongst other things (all due for more lst ,ill have to do it tommorow haha) any way i have just used a scalpel to cut off the bottoms of the bags very very carefully and then place the plant still in bag with bottom of bag now cut off on top of a fresh bag of soil , going to flip them in 11 days !
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

after getting all those plants sorted i did a quick check on my malawi gold girls and my time machine all been flipped on a 13 off 11 on schedule and now showing pistals after around a week , the malawi gold pistals are so petite and delicate ,time machine is so far keeping up with the best malawi gold female of the bunch a feat im proud of but she will stop her stretch long before malawi gold does and time machine depending on pheno and the growers personal touch and taste ( preference of high and trichrome colour/clarity will flower between 7 to 12 weeks ,the malawi gold a solid whopping 16 weeks .

but as a side grow and in this spare room its a no brainer cause i can also run a perpetual in and out of the room ,simply placing plants in whenever i choose and having them at various stages for staggered harvests the possibilities are endless now that buster DON MEGA has left the building LOL , that beast sure hogged some light man!

sorry i should add that the first 2 photos are time machine and the rest are malawi gold it is the seeds of africa malawi gold
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Lookin great, photos! You give yourself a lot of work!
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Lookin great, photos! You give yourself a lot of work!

thanks santb ,i know i just cant seem to hold myself back , i must grow as many as i can as big as i can LOL , i love growing
Re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Befor

Wow man! Your garden is looking amazing. That Buster sure is busting at the seams. A true monster!

Congrats on the birth of your son Photos!!
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