Pennywise Strikes Again

Come up here in Early November and pick Amanitas on the side of the road all day. The one in my profile pic I found in the grocery store parking lot divider. And so many other great shrooms starting next month.
I would need an experienced guide to help me figure out which ones to keep and what ones to stay away from. I would probably eat the bad ones with out guidance
Nice. I have some Acapulco Gold in the seed stash, and some Columbian too.

There's also a support group thread around here somewhere, for seed hoarders. (Pro tip: we're not good influences or adult supervision. :rofl:)

I have one in my head stash, but it's mexican x columbian. Damn it's nice though. Real focusing type of buzz, great for migraines, especially sinus ones.
The old Mexicans were a happy giggly high that you see these days.
Come up here in Early November and pick Amanitas on the side of the road all day. The one in my profile pic I found in the grocery store parking lot divider. And so many other great shrooms starting next month.
Don’t you have to prepare Amanita before you eat it?
I would need an experienced guide to help me figure out which ones to keep and what ones to stay away from. I would probably eat the bad ones with out guidance
Amanitas are easy. Red, yellow, orange, brownish/gold with obvious white warts are usually good And hard to mistake. Never eat a bright white one, I avoid tall bright white mushrooms of any kind really, or anything else bright red. Get them early to avoid tiny fly larvae inside. The drying is complicated. I either eat them fresh sautéed (risky) or they need to be dried and jarred for almost 2 months before they get the proper cure and smell to them. A small dose first will tell you if you will be able to eat more. Expect to possibly puke. Awesome wizardly mystical magical experience, nothing like psilocybin at all. Yellows have been the best so far but you have to find your dose.
I would need an experienced guide to help me figure out which ones to keep and what ones to stay away from. I would probably eat the bad ones with out guidance
That's what I 'm afraid of, every year I hear of kids out picking and eating the wrong ones up here. It seems there are two that look very similar. I was just thinking "funny how nature does that, one good, one bad looks very similar" think king snake/ rattle snake, coral snake and corn snake
Be cautious if you do go out picking shrooms.
Absolutely. I don’t eat little brown ones from the wild there’s too much that can go wrong. Better safe than sorry is always a good philosophy with any fungus. If it’s the right ones, usually it’s obvious and there’s a whole bunch of them.
Not a lot of Panama showed up here. It was all Mexican until like 1976 then the Colombians flooded the market. We’d get Thai Sticks 2-3 times a year. Wish I had saved a few seeds now.
I have some punto rojo seeds from a member. I should get them into rotation. If I can get my garden back in order. The ones that member grew were really nice looking
Be ready for a long flowering period, I’m talking up to 20 weeks.
I have some punto rojo seeds from a member. I should get them into rotation. If I can get my garden back in order. The ones that member grew were really nice looking
i have some of those to thanks dank and i want to grow them it just seems something comes along like nevilles haze and band aid haze i gotta have em lol.
Be ready for a long flowering period, I’m talking up to 20 weeks.
Holy shit that’s a long time! I’d go stir crazy. I have an all Sativa run planned in the future. 13 or 14 weeks though. Haven’t run one that long before. Will definitely be a test of my patience.
Need to take a vacation to the PNW is sounds like. Lol
I want to move to Portland for a couple years. I got a qp that was outdoor Grown from somewhere in Oregon once. I remember I weighed out a half for my dude and it was 4 big ass shrooms. Once in Tucson I got a Mexican gold cap that was 7 g’s. I ate half of it at work At Arby’s and gave the other half to this tweeker kid who had never tripped before. He made me laugh so much all night.
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