Pennywise Strikes Again

I have my eyes on Chem 91 lately, The Cali Connection looks legit, I know the TUDE is out of the Greenhouse Chemdog seeds currently. Back and forth on whether I should wait for Greenhouse or just run with CaliC which is pricey, but says it's the original Chem 91. I've always wanted a crack at the Pre-98 Bubba as well, One of my favorite kushes fur sure. I grew up in the 80's as a young kid and 90's as a teenager/young adult so the 90's Cannabis will always and forever be sacred to me. I remember going to a parking lot party at the Grateful Dead concert in 94(last one for Cal expo unfortunately, I am lucky to have experienced the DEAD) and it was just out of this world and wreaked of Skunk weed and Chemdog. Dollar beers, fire dance circles, glow in the dark BIG beach balls flying around(and so much more going ON) and of course... AMAZING music. My buddy at the time named his dog Sugar Magnolia so he is the one who introduced me to the Grateful Dead and now that I'm older... I am SO thankful for the experience. The only thing I knew about the Grateful Dead before I was introduced immensely with there music was that they had an MTV(X gen) video and that's IT. I hung out with older people since I've always been an old soul and the high school kids were still doing dumb ass shit we did in Junior High so I had my click away from school, and a small circle of friends my age. Anyway, thank you Cannabis for always being there for me and remembering old memories that make us the individuals we are today.

If it were me I’d buy Chem 91 S1 or Chem D S1 from Humboldt CSI. I’ve run the Chem 91 from him and it’s like a mule kicking you in the head. It has that nice funky skunk taste I love.
Hey @DeanWest89 good to see you back. You got anything going right now?
Hey brother like wise, I do have a new journal going , I ended up throwing a 4x8 in a 5x9 room with a carbon filter system and then stuffed both of my tents inside , so when I’m in mid flower I can shut myself inside the 4x8 then open flower tent so my house doesn’t stink , my wife was fed up and cut everything I had going and said we need to sit down . So we came uo with a “contract” so I don’t go overboard but I have no limit on what I can do in the 4x8 she was just upset because I was only allowed 4 outside and I had 12 so I only blame myself for what happened. But new journal is the start of my perpetual grow . Lott’s of new strains .
some pheno hunt runs are in the near future
It’s extremely fascinating

I read that using h2o2 helps several ways but most importantly it gets rid of hooman bacteria that is a main cause of stem rot or damping off.

I put 60ml of RO water then add 10ml H2o2 then add my seeds drop them in. Let them soak until a tail then into peat pellet tails down.

Every once in a while and its not very often, I'll get a stubborn seed doesn't wanna pop. Last few times I went out to a raised bed outside and poked my finger in the dirt. Like 3 weeks later I had a seedling. I had 3 of them this summer.

Just brought them in the other day. Not sure they gonna make it.

I also read adding vitamin C (a little bit) or Vitamin B1 to the water helps with seeds that are old.
I read that using h2o2 helps several ways but most importantly it gets rid of hooman bacteria that is a main cause of stem rot or damping off.

I put 60ml of RO water then add 10ml H2o2 then add my seeds drop them in. Let them soak until a tail then into peat pellet tails down.

Every once in a while and its not very often, I'll get a stubborn seed doesn't wanna pop. Last few times I went out to a raised bed outside and poked my finger in the dirt. Like 3 weeks later I had a seedling. I had 3 of them this summer.

Just brought them in the other day. Not sure they gonna make it.

I also read adding vitamin C (a little bit) or Vitamin B1 to the water helps with seeds that are old.

yeah H2O2 definitely has huge applications in organic growing because it fits so well into the way the plants grow already. They already use O2 as part of the rhizophagy cycle, so starting them off with some super oxidizers from the get go just makes good sense. Honestly I’d bet you could foliar/drench with H2O2 as an IPM of sorts.. organic plants are super oxidation resistant.
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