Pennywise Strikes Again

I think they get used to the high humidity through their leaves at the expense of their root system.

I try to keep it within reason once they sprout. ;)
I prefer open air to expose the plants to wind circulation right away to build a strong trunk and root system and most importantly evaporation. It takes 5-7 days for an 18 oz solo cup to dry out enough to water again. By this time, the plant is already up and growing, then give her a sip here and there. I don't fully water seedlings EVER. Once you are past the first week, you can give them a bit more water but NOT a complete drench. The first 2 weeks sets the whole stage.

You can see how the plant started twisting(a little) on the lower leaves, YUP it's time to get her out of there and into a bigger pot. I went 16 days, probably two days longer than I should of(easier to get out of cup when FULL of roots). Vigorously growing plants should fill pots every two weeks with roots and be ready to upgrade again. I like solo cups to 1.5 gal then to a 5 or 7gal for there final destination. Honestly though, it doesn't matter how you get there, just baby them like a newborn child(sippy cup style :laughtwo: ) initially, then they become much easier to take care of. Since I'm a give it to YOU straight kind of person, LESS water more frequently in the beginning... is better than a full blast ONCE a week. By day 10 or so, it's time for a full watering since roots are WELL established and should be drying out every 2-3 days. Once you get to day 14, you are probably watering every other day. The plant won't be rootbound, but I guarantee the roots are starting to circle and it's transplant time. I always enjoy when I get to 1 month old plants that are topped(Day 24ish) and it's that time to start building the overall structure. Anyway, I'm no philosopher nor am I a preacher, just speaking from the heart and if my post saves a few seedlings it was worth my time. :Namaste:
Hay guys, Penny I think 2 of those cuttings are going to make it the other 2 still look iffy and then I have the 2 in a water bottle until they have roots probably another 3 to 4 weeks Then I will plant them
The Skittlez I run was good but the IHG plant was fire.

I chopped my deluxe sugar cane Friday, and sampled a fee pieces of popcorn that were dry Sunday...

Ho. Lee. Shit. Batman.

Smell is very sour, and something else I can’t place.

Taste is dominantly earthy, but not overpowering. Second dominant flavor is lemon. Not like sucking on a lemon, but that sweet, creamy lemon like the middle of a lemonhead.


It’s already bad ass. I know everybody says stuff like that, but fresh dry and crosses your eyes? Sheeeeeet.

The next 6 weeks are going to drag so slow. Thankfully I sorted over the smallest nugs into their own jar. That’ll be my sample stash of it while the bigger nugs cure. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Very heavy buzz. Starts to kick in after 10-15 minutes. Starts with a gentle, relaxed head that quickly melts into the body and becomes quite narcotic. It's really fuckin great. Pain melts away, sleep like a rock.

I am highly contemplating running it again, along with a night queen, and I dunno what else. IHG did a number on it for sure.

Single plant, 3x3, 271g (9.5oz) off 250w light. Could have went bigger since there was space left, but wasn’t in this one for the weight. Was a good call though.
My buddy stopped by last evening and I shared a little taster with him.

Yeah, we’ll be good. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m thinking the second rdwc run is going to be:
Night Queen (dutch passion)
GDP (real one, from Ken)
Dlx Sugar Cane (ihg)
Platinum Jelly (ihg)

I may change my mind by then, but we’ll see.

I got slurricane and frosted apricots too, along with velvet skies and twisted helix. Not short on ihg gear, but more wouldn’t hurt my feelings. :cheesygrinsmiley:

If it cures well (it will) it may end up being my favorite so far this year. Right now gdp and night queen are duking it out for that spot, but we’ll see. This is a good bit better than those were at this point. They were good, still are fire, don’t get me wrong at all. However this one kicks it up a notch.
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