Pennywise Strikes Again

Penny...been a long time...happy Thanksgiving.
Hello Penny I really struggle to keep up on the OG members like yourself because your journals are so large it is difficult to follow along but I wanted to pick your brain if you don't mind , I'm curious if there is a way to keep the humidity levels up in my little tent without clogging my carbon filter up with calcium powder , I have a small Canadian tire humidifier and it really does a toll on my filter after a month , I've tried the wet towel method and bowls of water in my little tent please keep in mind its only 2.5 feet by 2 , thanks in advance sincerely brother Hash fart
I am getting so tired of this covid and looks like the second wave is starting here.

...Yup...things are ramping up for sure, especially here in Ontario...fortunately, I'm very far removed from the hot spots, and not subject to the new restrictions put into effect will be small for us as, wife and grandson now, and likely not Christmas either...geeze... :rolleyes: :(

...what are your temps like in the tent HF?...could you dial down the exhaust a bit to let the humidifier up the rh?...tuff time of year for some...maintaining at 40 % is the best I can do here...

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