Pennywise Strikes Again

The “ earth “ has been recording the weather and it’s weather related events for us for eons.
The evidence is located in a myriad of places thru out the world .
“ Science “ has deciphered means and methods to interpret that info.
Like evaluating tree rings for age , temps at the time and rainfall. Just one of thousands of ways for “ science “ to collect weather data from way past 1880’s.
How the fuck do you think we even know there were ice ages ?
Science Bro.
This talking point has been refuted by the facts so many times its almost comical for anyone to bring it up.
Science shows us that we are in an unprecedented warming trend caused primarily by fossil fuels ( CO2 exhaust ) and the decimation of the worlds forests ( plants take CO2 from the air ). Especially rain forests.
Well over 90% of the worlds “scientists“ agree that human activity is in fact the main factor in this “ cycle “ of global warming.
So another fact , if you do just a little research , is that just about the only scientists who disagree with this fact are supported or financed thru big oil and gas. Like the boys & girls in DC.
What a coincidence.
I lived in Alaska between 81 and 04 near the arctic circle. I personally watched the climate change over the time I was there. Everything is changing up there ...quickly! Due to higher temps, the the ice doesn't form as much on the north slope endangering polar bear, walrus and seal populations, not to mention making it tougher for indigenous peoples to get their food. The rivers don't freeze across nearly as early if at all, the fish and game are adapting to the changing conditions if they can, the bark beetles that plague the spruce forests and kill the trees making them easier to burn in the hotter summers.....the list goes on and that was 16 years ago. Now I'm back in socal and it's hotter and hotter. Maybe these non believers don't care or think future generations can join the "space force" and go to mars. As long as our world is ruled by greed, hate and injustice, there is little chance we'll stop struggling enough to change what's happening. I remember the first "Earth Day" so long ago. You never miss your water until your well runs dry. That's one of the reasons I...stay stoned and stay stoneder!

On a happier note.... Afghani on the top, Do si Dos on the bottom
We could look on the brighter side.....I'm sure that ,along with the changes that affect us negatively, some really great micro-climes for growing cannabis will appear for a bit. :passitleft:
This is why the indigenous tribes of the Amazon are fighting for the Rain Forest. They understand how valuable the ecosystem is and it's wealth of sources it provides. Mother nature is showing us HOW out of balance WE are(as a whole), Humanity has wreaked havoc on the planet in the last 100 years(closer to 200), I mean... do we really have an island of trash that's as big as Texas(DOUBLED)? Or how in the last 100 years we have quadrupled the population from roughly 2 billion to nearly 8. Here is a quote that hits home, " It took over 2 million years of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion, and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion". Population control is a touchy subject, so it's tough to talk about, but it's REAL. I have conversations all the time with friends and family on how we can grow the best food possible, we just don't do it. There's no MONEY in growing SUPER healthy mineralized food. You incorporate our fast lifestyles, fast food, SMOG etc..., lack of exercise and there you have it... A recipe for disaster... and you wonder why Cancer is so out of control. WE are the problem, and always have been. Instead of embracing the Planet, we Exploit it for Greed. And these are just a few examples of how we are not looking out for each other OR the world. In short, the world is a mess that someone is going to have to CLEAN up one day.
This is why the indigenous tribes of the Amazon are fighting for the Rain Forest. They understand how valuable the ecosystem is and it's wealth of sources it provides. Mother nature is showing us HOW out of balance WE are(as a whole), Humanity has wreaked havoc on the planet in the last 100 years(closer to 200), I mean... do we really have an island of trash that's as big as Texas(DOUBLED)? Or how in the last 100 years we have quadrupled the population from roughly 2 billion to nearly 8. Here is a quote that hits home, " It took over 2 million years of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion, and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion". Population control is a touchy subject, so it's tough to talk about, but it's REAL. I have conversations all the time with friends and family on how we can grow the best food possible, we just don't do it. There's no MONEY in growing SUPER healthy mineralized food. You incorporate our fast lifestyles, fast food, SMOG etc..., lack of exercise and there you have it... A recipe for disaster... and you wonder why Cancer is so out of control. WE are the problem, and always have been. Instead of embracing the Planet, we Exploit it for Greed. And these are just a few examples of how we are not looking out for each other OR the world. In short, the world is a mess that someone is going to have to CLEAN up one day.
TOO True ........ Great points !!!!!!
I’m not sure what this summer was but it sucked. dry and hot
I had to pull some precipitation data for work last week for a construction groundwater de-watering plan, in doing so, I found out we are over 5.5" behind in rainfall for the year here. It doesn't sound like much until you compare it to our yearly average total of 11.5".

Yesterday was supposed to be 97F ended up at 100. Today is supposed to be 97 and it's already 93 at 11 am. The "cool" day coming up this week is no longer set at 91F like it said yesterday, it's now at 95 and I'm sure will be 97 when it comes. At this point 100 no longer phases me for the season, it's like room temperature.

I'll be the guy in hell wearing a jacket, turning up the thermostat.
I loose 1 - 2 oz of buds every year to those bastards. This year is no exception. :(
I tried spraying BT this year for the first time, but started spraying too late. Also I didn't see the part of the instructions that said to use up all the mixture within 24 hrs. I mixed up a gallon of the stuff and used it over a 3 week period. Was probably worthless at that point. Live and learn... at least they haven't touched my Killer Haze yet.
Yeah, I initially hacked off a Main that was thicker than most peoples fingers, that slowed it down, but it crept over to the rest of the plant. I had to pull it about 2 weeks early, I froze them fresh and made Bubble Hash, it's decent bubblin' like pizza in an oven, but definitely NOT full melt. It hurts, it's the first time for me losing a possible 3/4 plant, she was bare minimum going to be 8-10 zones so yeah... BUT... here is the silver lining, I lost an outdoor GDP plant that I currently have a bushy clone of that was taken during stretch(nodes everywhere). I have a clone of both of the Outdoor GDP's that will be RAN soon inside so I'll get to see the full potential of the lost plant(expensive seeds, I'm glad I did). I took a clone of the other GDP(2 of each plant all survived, but I took the two strongest) since it has dominated the garden's smell 4-5 weeks into bloom. Lost two plants this year, the early one I knew was a weakling from the beginning and a HEAT wave finished her off. I've never had this sort of issue, just killing the whole plant, well... it would of if I left it out there. It had a tree limb of a trunk, and I pulled it out of the ground like it wasn't in the ground. For comparison, I can pull up with decent force on my other big plants, and they don't budge(embedded in the ground)! There were multiple bore holes in the trunk, and it hollowed out the cambium layer and looked like the inside of Bamboo(along with a nice trail of poop, I'm glad I hacked the main to at least discover the problem). I've grown for a long time and never has this happened... Murphy's Law right.. Whatever can happen... MIGHT just happen and there's a first time for everything.
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