Pennywise Strikes Again

I remember spring being much longer.
Me too, and fall, now its either hot or cold we have very few days that range between the 50s to the 70s

man we had such a short summer we got cool temps, high humidity and rains early this year.. We did need them with all the fires, but they usually don't come till Oct.. so much for global warming?
Yea it’s all a scam to my thinking.

I'm betting long about the middle of January... we'll be wishing for a little global warming. :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, it's a fucking scam. Bastards.
Climate change is a scam ??
Now that’s some real BROSCIENCE.:laugh:

I see you've picked up on the new name for it.

And yes, it’s a scam.

Think about this. How long have we been recording weather data? Second, how long have we been recording accurate weather data?

First answer: 1880’s.

So we have about 120 years (not quite) of data, and not from every spot we have now. Accuracy? Well, that depends. Suffice to say, it’s pretty young data even if 100% accurate from the start.

How old is the earth? How long have we been in this current cycle since the last ice age?

I’m sure it doesn’t take much to figure out that gee, we really don’t know what’s going on, and whether the weather is really doing anything it doesn’t do from time to time.

Now that being said, obviously we know we’re in a warming trend. OK. What does that mean? Why is it getting warmer?

To think humanity is the sole reason for global warming is preposterous. That doesn’t mean we haven’t helped it along a bit quicker, but considering we already know that the earth naturally goes through temperature fluctuations, we can easily get to the conclusion that while yes, there are changes occurring and we do need to be good stewards of the planet, we also need to be aware of those whom have an agenda which may or may not be in the general populations best interest.
I see you've picked up on the new name for it.

And yes, it’s a scam.

Think about this. How long have we been recording weather data? Second, how long have we been recording accurate weather data?

First answer: 1880’s.

So we have about 120 years (not quite) of data, and not from every spot we have now. Accuracy? Well, that depends. Suffice to say, it’s pretty young data even if 100% accurate from the start.

How old is the earth? How long have we been in this current cycle since the last ice age?

I’m sure it doesn’t take much to figure out that gee, we really don’t know what’s going on, and whether the weather is really doing anything it doesn’t do from time to time.

Now that being said, obviously we know we’re in a warming trend. OK. What does that mean? Why is it getting warmer?

To think humanity is the sole reason for global warming is preposterous. That doesn’t mean we haven’t helped it along a bit quicker, but considering we already know that the earth naturally goes through temperature fluctuations, we can easily get to the conclusion that while yes, there are changes occurring and we do need to be good stewards of the planet, we also need to be aware of those whom have an agenda which may or may not be in the general populations best interest.
The “ earth “ has been recording the weather and it’s weather related events for us for eons.
The evidence is located in a myriad of places thru out the world .
“ Science “ has deciphered means and methods to interpret that info.
Like evaluating tree rings for age , temps at the time and rainfall. Just one of thousands of ways for “ science “ to collect weather data from way past 1880’s.
How the fuck do you think we even know there were ice ages ?
Science Bro.
This talking point has been refuted by the facts so many times its almost comical for anyone to bring it up.
Science shows us that we are in an unprecedented warming trend caused primarily by fossil fuels ( CO2 exhaust ) and the decimation of the worlds forests ( plants take CO2 from the air ). Especially rain forests.
Well over 90% of the worlds “scientists“ agree that human activity is in fact the main factor in this “ cycle “ of global warming.
So another fact , if you do just a little research , is that just about the only scientists who disagree with this fact are supported or financed thru big oil and gas. Like the boys & girls in DC.
What a coincidence.
Only two sets of outdoor clothes then. pretty dark now in the morning...another acorn mast year...thinking 100” if snow with lake effect. Im trying to convince myself Im ready.

We got 100" last year.. I just stayed home during the snowy daze.
They do here too. Miss those times where you could have the house opened up for a couple months between heat and ac. Now we’re lucky to get a week or two.

Here in Upstate NY we have those extended falls and usually extended winters. lol

Going thru the extended fall now. It's 80-90F in the day no rain and 50-60F at night. Pretty good for the back stretch I'm thinking. I'm hoping to get lucky on a plant or 2.

Like this one.... I just chopped her twin sister this am. They were both outside till flowering and I pulled one indoors to see the difference. They both smell the same maybe a little stronger outside, hoping for a chop day next week.... gonna wait out till the rains come then chop I'm thinking. No rain in the extended forecast. Very weird. Last year it was snowing in October its summer still now.

I hate winter here in Ohio Like penny said its been 2 seasons here Winter or Summer. Little to no 60 and 70 f days or even 50s it just goes from Hot to Cold in just a couple weeks it seems like
Sounds like you guys have close to our weather .Ontario .
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