Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Ok here's the update for 12-7-18
Chem 91: 91 days from seed and 55 days in flower
Blueberry (DJ's: 73 days from seed and 55 days in flower
79 Xmas Bud: 88 days from seed and 55 days in flower
The Chem is mostly cloudy with some clear and not amber
Blueberry is all clear
Xmas Bud is all clear
Feeding 5ml Protekt and 5ml Foliage Pro with 5ml calmag from Blue Planet per gallon of mix. Feeding 2 gallons for the whole tent at lights on and 1 gallon at 6 hours into light on. Pure coco with no perlite.
Chem 91

Blueberry F4/F5
79 Xmas Bud
Tent shots

I'm so ready for this run to finish lol
I love looking at the Chem91, huge and beautiful. You have done an outstanding job PW. Great work.
Ok here's the update for 12-7-18
Chem 91: 91 days from seed and 55 days in flower
Blueberry (DJ's: 73 days from seed and 55 days in flower
79 Xmas Bud: 88 days from seed and 55 days in flower
The Chem is mostly cloudy with some clear and not amber
Blueberry is all clear
Xmas Bud is all clear
Feeding 5ml Protekt and 5ml Foliage Pro with 5ml calmag from Blue Planet per gallon of mix. Feeding 2 gallons for the whole tent at lights on and 1 gallon at 6 hours into light on. Pure coco with no perlite.
Chem 91

Blueberry F4/F5
79 Xmas Bud
Tent shots

I'm so ready for this run to finish lol
Daaaaamn. You got some troll heads going on i frickin love it!. Those BBs are gonna fill out something naughty man
Hopefully the BB and Xmas Bud are both seeded, the reversed Chem ended up shooting blanks. But I think one of the Xmas Bud males seeded some flowers on one of my Chems so that will be very interesting.
Thanks Sticky! I reverse using STS (Silver Thiosulphate)
that's what I used last time it didn't work I think I need a better scale one that will be accurate when your mixing chemicals together to get the right solution you need to be exact and I think that could have played into the outcome I got flowers with pollen but it was sterile ive heard of some other people having that same thing happen!
I reversed a female and she produced pollen but was sterile. For what I gather it's hard to reverse Chem 91. Yours could possible be hard to reverse and if so then you're not to blame.
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