Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

well its taken me 3 days to slowly get caught up here.. Cant imagine how far behind i am on everyone elses...:laugh:..:oops:

love the flat tops on the chem, so cool!

i know im way late, but heres the pic of the wild hemp the wife found growing on the farm thjs summer that reminded me of your mutant xmas bud....

Brought to you proudly by Louis the Pig.
well its taken me 3 days to slowly get caught up here.. Cant imagine how far behind i am on everyone elses...:laugh:..:oops:

love the flat tops on the chem, so cool!

i know im way late, but heres the pic of the wild hemp the wife found growing on the farm thjs summer that reminded me of your mutant xmas bud....

Brought to you proudly by Louis the Pig.

*Hiiiii Louis, that Pig is gonna get really healthy eating that hemp, you have a cool farm PJ!
*Hiiiii Louis, that Pig is gonna get really healthy eating that hemp, you have a cool farm PJ!

thanks m'lady! We just own the animals not the land.... Otherwise things would be amazing... Theres an existing greenhouse structure(metal but no poly) on the property that makes me sad everytime i look at it not being used... one day... Thats what i keep telling myself... One day!
I only see the trait at the tops of the colas, it seems to be a phenotype of the Skunk va. After looking 3 of the 6 Chems are showing the trait. Can't wait to sample one of them.

Nice my cbd critical cure is doing that same thing. Im in my last few weeks of flower an where the buds go flat top like tht they are jus getn bulkier an bulkier now but not really bigger/longer per say but man they definitely bulked up some.
Chemdog 91
Love the flat top flowers on them

Blueberry starting to swell now

The Chems are smelling like lemon zest on the stem rub.
your girls are looking good pw I see what you mean you have a full tent going there were both growing some chem that's cool ill just hang around for some flower pics if you don't mind!:)
Thats what I mean by calling them flat tops a crowning bud. Funny that's the way my Black Puppy does,, unlike all the others I've seen,, their buds were typical,, 'pointy tip'.

Girls look great going to make a nice crop.... GL and Keepem Green
Mines starting to foxtail big time, still mostly clear trichs.

When you get a chance penny can you show me a picture of what a fox tail is buddy ?
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