Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

The work he did under the name Richard Bachman was maybe his best work.
got to agree there. loved running man but the film was awful and nothing like the books future. got to live his books but he cannot end a story for shit. always fluffs the endings with lost reasoning or too much of an imagination stretch i.e Under The domes ending !!!!!!! , It ,
Hiya PW,

Very nice journal, Pennywise! I just finished reading from post 1. So many things I wanted to say, yet can't remember most of them, so this post won't be so long, lol.

First, Happy Birthday yesterday, PW. You have a stellar lineup wishing you a happy birthday. Hope you have many more!

I started reading one of your older journals before, but you did DWC then and I'm not into hydroponics. I've dabbled, but not for me. Your command of the process in superb. Comes with lots of experience.

Just love your encouraging nature. Nice to see, since other forums aren't so complimentary. Love it here on 420 Magazine! Thank you PW!
Nah bad day man, someone ran up $2700 on my bank card. Just got off the phone with the bank and it'll be 10 days before it's straight again. Always something!
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