Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Well I let my boy @Lowded118 sample the TTB and he said he got some interesting flavours

Happy birthday PennyW! Thanks for your guidance or free hair cuts! :passitleft:

ok good, it was a tough flavour! yea it was a strange incense type almost bitter flavour that went sweet on exhale and after. It would probably take a good lb or two to get a really good feel of it Kinger.... :rofl:@Kingjoe83 you did a great job on that outdoor!
My hair hasn't looked this good in ages! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENNYWISE. Oh man all cobbed up with Malawi. Mint jelly over here.
:rofl::laugh::rofl:I am blonde and going more blonde. My white hairs, I call natural highlights... No beauty parlor or hairdresser needed.. :laugh:
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