PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Well I had my 4 canna oil caps and eating this brownie. It's a good sized piece so I should be buzzing pretty good in an hour or so. I am also going to eat my nightly Klonopin which should be kicking in in about an hour or so
Forgot the picture.... lol
I think I still have kind of a Buzz or Buzz hang over from the 4 grams of shrooms I had yesterday..... Next time I think I will take 6 grams all at once, once I have grown some out and I have plenty
I made cookies last Friday, all gone now lol
My Brownie was in a 9x13 pan so I still have plenty left. They make the nicest treat for the evening
6 grams should get down the rabbit hole pretty far.
I hope so. I want to get Blasted, Have visions and a total trip. My aunt had like 1 gram and it was nodding her out. She kept Nodding like she had just shot a cap of boy or something. I had fun watching her, She was feeling no pain
The 5th pic down looks pretty amber to me. You can get a camera microscope for $10. If you want more Sativa like you might want to consider chopping now. Idk, do they still turn when they hang? Like tomatoes on the sill? I never bothered to check.
Good Morning Guys. Later I will get some close ups of the trichome's I also need to go down stairs and check on them. I am also going to put those BH cuts in their 1 gallon pots today.
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