PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

So you had success on keeping the cuts alive and getting them to root? Good work! Excited to see how your BH turns out with all that space to grow
They haven't rooted yet but I am going to plant them in the 1 gallon pots today
Well my grow in the big 8x8 area is a wash. They got a double whammy, They got seeded from a dam auto that decided it wanted to be male and must have shoot his juice's all over. Every plant was starting to seed up. I also didn't remember how to set my timer all it has for switching to the timer function is on one side it says ON and the other side or setting isn't marked so I thought the ON position was on for the timer ............. BUT it wasn't so the lights were on 24/7 from the time I got the AC unit and it kicked the breaker I thought I had to have it switched to the On position so the plants were cut down and the main stims cut out along with the main stalk
Now I have to use bleach water and wipe the whole area down good
It's sad you had to start over but ya gotta do what you think is best for your grow. Best of luck on the restart.
Once you transplant keep it moist but not wet. Make them push out roots in order to find water.
I presoaked the soil so I hope it will be good for a few days or week or so I will have the wife bring a couple water bottles home and I will make humidity domes out of them
i didnt need any. i should add e kept my room at 60% r/h while they were rooting!
The RH% down there is around 40 to 50% I have seen it drop to 20% but mostly in the low 40s . I am going to leave the domes on for a couple days then take them off. They are helping hold them up so I am thinking in a couple days they will stand straight on their own
Some pictures from today
I haven’t tried microdosing yet

I don't know if it was strain specific like cannabis would be sativa/indica but my brother who I have the rest too found them energetic and focused...?

I've found golden teachers make me reflective while blue Mexicans was too hard in your face and once claustrophobia set in due to music that didn't vibe well it threw the trip...
I ate 4 grams of Blue Meanis and it was a nice energetic high. It did have a lot of body high to it too, Kina like a Great Hybrid. My aunt kept nodding out , she did that for hours and she only ate 1/2 grams to 1 grams
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